I. General Considerations to All Species 1 Examination of the Surgical Patient Examination of Adult Cattle Physical Examination Diagnostic Procedures Rumen-Fluid Analysis Ororumen Tube Abdominocentesis Laboratory Work Abdominal Ultrasonography Disorders Causing Abdominal Distention in Cattle Vagus Indigestion I - Failure of Eructation II - Failure of Omasal Transport III-Failure of Abomasal Outflow Other Causes of Ruminal Distention Froth Accumulation in the Rumen Rumen Acidosis Abomasal Ulcers Disorders that Cause Tympanitic Resonance (Pings) in Cattle Left-Sided Pings Left Displacement of the Abomasum Rumen-Void Ping Pneumoperitoneum Right-Sided Pings Right Displacement and/or Volvulus of the Abomasum Cecal Dilatation and/or Volvulus Distention of the Proximal Colon Pneumorectum Distention of the Small Intestine Physometra Ventral Sac of Rumen Examination of the Calf Examination of the Small Ruminant Color of the Conjunctiva and Sclera Body-Condition Scoring Further Examination of the Eyes Teeth Lymph Node Examination Lameness Respiratory Examination Examination of the Abdomen Evaluation of the Urinary Tract Examination of the Udder and Scrotum Recommended Readings Examination of the Surgical Patient (Pig) General Considerations Safety, Handling, and Restraint Vital Signs General Appearance Skin Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Throat, and Neck Cardiovascular Respiratory Gastrointestinal Mammary Musculoskeletal Nervous Reproductive Urinary Hemolymphatic Ancillary Diagnostics Intravenous Catheterization Recommended Readings 2 Diagnostic Imaging Radiography Ultrasound Nuclear Medicine, CT, and MRI Recommended Readings 3 Presurgical Considerations Preoperative Preparation Evaluation of the Patient Decision Making Patient Positioning Preparation of the Surgery Site Preparation of the Surgeon Draping the Surgical Field Prevention of Peritonitis and Surgical Infection Precontamination Contamination Recommended Readings Surgical Considerations Perioperative Antimicrobials and Analgesics Perioperative Analgesics Recommended Readings Facilities and Restraining Devices Introduction Animal Behavior Knots Square Knot Quick-Release Slip Knot Bowline Knot Restraint of Cattle Moving Cattle Getting a Cow to Stand Moving Animals by Halter Moving Animals through Chutes Head Restraint Halters Nose Tongs Head Gates Kicking Hobbles Flanking Tailing Tail Ties Surgical Position Surgical Tables Casting Foot Restraint Hind Feet Front Feet Restraint of Small Ruminants Moving Small Ruminants Head Restraint Surgical Positioning Restraint of Swine Moving Swine Head Restraint—Snare Surgical Positioning Body Restraint Crates or Chutes Barrier Recommended Readings Downer Cows: Case Management and Appropriate Use of a Floating Tank Occurrence and Etiology Definition of a Downer Cow Pathophysiology of a Downer Cow Assessment of a Downer Cow History Age of the Animal Calving Trauma Behavior While Being Recumbent Treatment History and Response Physical Examination Musculoskeletal Examination and Conditions Pelvic Limb Thoracic Limb Vertebral Column Other Areas of Concern Nonfatal Musculoskeletal Conditions on a Downer Cow Muscular Damage Peroneus Tertius (That Is, Fibularis Tertius) Rupture (See Chapter 15) Brachial, Radial Nerve Paralysis Fatal Musculoskeletal Conditions on a Downer Adult Cow Ventral Coxofemoral Luxation Ruptured Gastrocnemius Femoral Fracture Vertebral Trauma and Lymphoma Acute Systemic Inflammatory Conditions Neurologic Deficit Electrolyte Imbalance Treatment and Management of a Down Cow Stall and Stall Surface Fluid-Replacement Therapy Pain Control and Antiinflammatory Drugs Antibiotic Therapy Lifting a Cow Physical Assistance Lifting Straps Hip Clamps Inflatable Ball Flotation Tanks/Aqua Cow Complications Recommended Readings Biosecurity Recommended Readings Special Considerations When Working with Rescue Organizations Recommended Readings 4 Fluid Therapy Estimating Rehydration Needs Choice of Solution Fluid Therapy in Cattle with Metabolic Acidosis Alkalinizing Solutions Calculating Base Deficit Electrolyte Needs Summary Fluid Therapy in Cattle without Metabolic Acidosis Nonalkalinizing Solutions Hypertonic Saline Solution Summary Equipment and Techniques Intraruminal Administration IV Administration Recommended Readings 5 Sedation, General Anesthesia, and Analgesia Preparation for Sedation or General Anesthesia in Farm Animals Preparation of the Patient Preparation of Facility and Equipment/Supplies Sedation of Farm Animals General Considerations Cattle Sheep and Goats Swine Intravenous Catheterization Cattle Sheep and Goats Swine General Anesthesia Induction and Intubation General Recommendations Adult Cattle Calves, Sheep, and Goats Swine Maintenance Monitoring and Supportive Care Complications Regurgitation Rumen Tympany Bradycardia Hypotension Hypoventilation and Hypoxemia Recovery Analgesia Cattle Sheep and Goats Swine Local and Regional Anesthetic Techniques Regional Anesthesia for Procedures Involving the Head Anesthesia of the Eye Topical Anesthesia Anesthesia for Ophthalmic Surgery Peterson Block. Retrobulbar Block. Auriculopalpebral Nerve Block. Anesthesia for Dehorning Anesthesia for Abdominal Surgery Infiltration Anesthesia Paravertebral Block Epidural Anesthesia Anesthesia for Perineal Surgery Epidural Anesthesia Anesthesia of the Foot Anesthesia of the Udder and Teat Ring Block Cistern Infusion IV Regional Anesthesia of the Teat Recommended Readings 6 General Principles of Minimally Invasive Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery Laparoscopic Technique Equipment Preparation and Anesthesia Pneumoperitoneum Normal Anatomy Right Flank Left Flank Ventral Indications Recommended Readings Thoracoscopy Preoperative Treatments and Surgical Preparation Surgical Technique Anatomic Particularity Postoperative Treatments and Complications Recommended Readings 7 Postoperative Management Postoperative Analgesia Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs Flunixin Meglumine Phenylbutazone Meloxicam Ketoprofen Opioids Morphine Butorphanol Gabapentin Nutritional Management Evaluation of GI Function Gastrointestinal Fill Dorsal and Ventral Distention on the Left with Ventral Distention on the Right Prominent Dorsal Distention on the Left with Ventral Distention on the Right Bilateral Ventral Distention Gastrointestinal Motility Ruminal Microbes Ruminal Fluid Analysis Transfaunation Postoperative Feeding Neonates Mature Ruminants Motility Modifiers Motility Registration Physiologic GI Motility Abomasum Small Intestine Cecum and Proximal Loop of the Ascending Colon (PLAC) Spiral Colon Pathologic Motility Patterns Intestinal Obstruction Cecal Dilatation/Dislocation Displacement of the Abomasum Prokinetics in Ruminants Bethanechol Neostigmine Metoclopramide Erythromycin Lidocaine Recommended Readings 8 Neoplasia Neoplasia in Farm Animals—general overview What Does the Pathologist Need to Get an Accurate Diagnosis? The Role of Cytogenetics and Molecular Diagnostics in the Diagnosis Tumors of the Skin and Soft Tissue Papilloma and Fibropapilloma (Papillomatosis) Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cutaneous Horn Melanocytic Tumors Mast Cell Tumors Cutaneous Lymphoma Cutaneous Vascular Tumors Other Tumors and Tumor-like Lesions of the Skin Cysts Soft Tissue Tumors Tumors of the Eye Tumors of the Oral Cavity and Jaw Oral Soft Tissue Tumors Tumors of Bones of the Jaw Tumors of the Gastrointestinal System Esophagus Forestomach Abomasum/Stomach Intestine Pancreas Salivary Gland Tumors of the Respiratory Tract Tumors of the Nasal Passages and Sinuses Tumors of the Lung Tumors of the Thoracic Cavity Tumors of the Udder and Mammary Gland Udder Mammary Gland Tumors of the Female Genital Tract Tumors of the Vulva Tumors of the Vagina and Cervix Tumors of the Uterus Tumors of the Accessory Sex Glands Tumors of the Ovary Tumors of the Male Genital Tract Tumors of the Penis, Prepuce, and Scrotum Tumors of the Testis Tumors of the Kidney and Urinary Bladder Kidney Urinary Bladder Tumors of the Liver and Gallbladder Tumors of the Spleen Tumors of the Abdominal Cavity Tumors of Endocrine Glands Tumors of Bone and Joint Recommended Readings Auxiliary Treatment of Neoplasia in Farm Animals Recommended Readings 9 Dentistry Anatomic Considerations Cattle and Small Ruminants Pigs Common Pathology Malocclusions Periodontal Disease Cattle and Small Ruminants Pigs Endodontic Disease Pharyngeal Trauma Lumpy Jaw Oral Masses Cattle and Small Ruminants Pigs Mandibular and Maxillary Fractures Diagnosis Oral Examination Radiography Treatment Routine Care and Odontoplasty Extractions Cattle and Small Ruminants Pigs Endodontics and Vital Pulp Therapy Intraoral Wiring and Composite Splinting Recommended Readings 10 Surgery of the Eyes History, Examination, Ocular Analgesia, and Eyelid Akinesia Administering Medication to Eyes Transpalpebral Ocular Lavage Apparatus Diagnosis of Globe and Orbit Diseases Congenital Exophthalmos Orbital Inflammation and Cellulitis Orbital Neoplasia General Surgical Techniques Preparation of Periocular Tissues Basic Ophthalmic Surgical Instrumentation Anesthesia Enucleation: Transpalpebral Approach Enucleation: Subconjunctival Approach Orbit Exenteration Evisceration with Intrascleral Prosthesis Surgical Treatment of Specific Conditions Acute Head Trauma with Eye Injuries Blunt Trauma to the Eye without Laceration or Rupture Orbital and Periorbital Fractures Eyelid and Membrana Nictitans Diseases Ectropion Entropion Temporary Tarsorrhaphy Reversible, Split-Lid Tarsorrhaphy (Figure 10-22) Nasolacrimal Duct Lavage Periocular Fat Pad Hypertrophy in Pot-Bellied Pigs Eyelid Lacerations Palpebral Nerve Paralysis Eyelid Tumors Membrana Nictitans Excision Other Conditions Involving the Membrana Nictitans Conjunctival and Corneal Diseases Lacerations and Ruptures of the Cornea and/or Sclera Corneal Foreign Bodies Corneal Ulcers Requiring Surgical Intervention Cataract Surgery Recommended Readings 11 Postmortem Examination Biosecurity and Biocontainment Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Ergonomics Equipment Sampling and Ancillary Testing PM Procedure Recommended Reading II Bovine (Adult) 12 Surgery of the Bovine (Adult) Integumentary System Wounds Wound Healing Inflammation Debridement Repair Maturation Factors That Affect Wound Healing Wound Management Patient Assessment Patient Preparation Anesthesia Wound Assessment Wound Lavage Wound Debridement Management Options Primary Wound Closure Delayed Primary or Secondary Closure Second-Intention Healing Bandaging Wet-to-Dry Dressings Semiocclusive, Nonadherent Dressings Topical Medications Aloe Vera Extract Triple Antibiotic Ointment Silver Sulfadiazine Nitrofurazone Povidone-Iodine Ointment Petroleum Systemic Medication Tetanus Toxoid Systemic Antibiotics Myiasis Exuberant Granulation Tissue (Proud Flesh) Recommended Readings Skin Grafts Introduction Patient Selection Graft Harvest Graft Implantation Aftercare Outcome Recommended Readings Dehorning/Cornuectomy Historical Perspective Anatomy Restraint Anesthesia and Analgesia Methods Chemical Dehorning Thermal Dehorning Portable Corded Cutting Dehorning Tube Dehorner Scoop/Gouge Dehorner Keystone Electrically Powered Obstetric Wire and Others Genetic and Other Cosmetic Dehorning Preparation Technique Aftercare and Complications Recommended Readings Insertion of a Nose Ring 13 Surgery of the Bovine (Adult) Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems Diagnostics Physical Examination Endoscopic Examination Imaging Examination Recommended Readings Nasal Obstruction Recommended Readings Disorders of the Paranasal Sinuses Occurrence and Etiology Recommended Readings Disorders of the Nasopharynx Occurrence and Etiology Pharyngeal Trauma Pharyngotomy Retropharyngeal Mass Pharyngeal Collapse and Swelling Persistent Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate Palatoschisis (Cleft Palate) Preoperative Treatments and Surgical Preparation Surgical Technique Postoperative Treatments Recommended Readings Disorders of the Larynx Occurrence and Etiology Preoperative Treatments and Surgical Preparation Surgical Technique Arytenoidectomy Postoperative Treatments and Complications Other Surgical Approaches to Laryngeal Obstruction Laryngeal Obstruction in Adult Cattle Recommended Readings Disorders of the Extrathoracic Trachea Tracheotomy and Temporary Tracheostomy Tube Permanent Tracheostomy Tracheal Collapse Tracheal Stenosis Extratracheal Compression Intratracheal Obstruction Tracheal Resection and Anastomosis Recommended Readings Disorders of the Lungs and Pleural Cavity Occurrence and Etiology Management Anesthetic Considerations for Lateral Thoracotomy Surgical Considerations Recommended Readings Diaphragmatic Hernia Recommended Readings Disorders of the Pericardium Lateral Thoracotomy Sternal Thoracotomy (Median Sternotomy) Idiopathic Hemorrhagic Pericardial Effusion Postoperative Management Recommended Readings Diseases of the Vascular System: Thrombophlebitis and Patent Ductus Arteriosus Occurrence and Etiology Patent Ductus Arteriosus Recommended Readings 14 Surgery of the Bovine Digestive System Surgical Diseases of the Oral Cavity Anatomic Considerations Diagnosis and Treatment (Dental Diseases are Covered in Chapter 9) Lacerations Cross-Suckling Partial Glossectomy Oropharyngeal Membrane Salivary Glands Recommended Readings Mandibular Fractures, Osteomyelitis, and neoplasia Mandibular Fractures Surgical Options for Fractures Figure-8 Wiring Intraoral Acrylic Splinting Screw Fixation U Bar Kirschner-Ehmer Plating Complications Osteomyelitis Neoplasia (see also Chapter 8) Recommended Readings Esophageal Surgery Esophageal Anatomy Clinical Signs of Esophageal Disease Diagnosis of Esophageal Disease Esophagoscopy Bovine Esophageal Radiology Surgical Considerations Esophageal Closure Foreign Body Obstruction Cervical Esophagotomy Transthoracic Esophagotomy Esophageal Perforation or Laceration Stricture Nonsurgical Management Surgical Management Esophagomyotomy Partial Esophageal Resection Complete Esophageal Resection Fenestration through a Cicatrix Esophageal Diverticulum Occurrence and Diagnosis Treatment Esophageal Fistula Esophageal Ulceration Megaesophagus Recommended Readings Approaches to the Bovine Abdomen Anatomy Approaches to the Abdomen Left-Paralumbar Fossa Celiotomy Right-Paralumbar Fossa Celiotomy Right-Paramedian Celiotomy Ventrolateral Celiotomy Ventral Midline Celiotomy Right Paracostal Approach Left Oblique Celiotomy Recommended Readings Surgery of the Ruminant Forestomach Compartments Anatomy and Physiology Etiology and Pathogenesis Vagal Indigestion Cornell Classification of Vagal Indigestion in Cattle Clinical Findings Clinical Pathology Medical Treatments Surgical Treatment Left-Flank Celiotomy Rumenotomy with the Rumen Board or Weingarth Apparatus Rumenotomy after Suturing the Rumen Wall to the Skin Transruminal Exploration Closure Postoperative Management Prognosis Placement of a Commercial Rumen Fistula in Adult Cattle Temporary Rumen Fistula Lactic Acidosis Recommended Readings Surgery of the Abomasum Introduction Abomasal Physiology and Anatomy Abomasal Function Secretions Motility Surgical Conditions of the Abomasum Altered Abomasal Outflow Abomasal Displacement Syndromes Left Abomasal Displacement (LDA)— General Considerations Definition and Incidence. Predisposing Factors. Stage of Lactation. Anatomy. Genetics. Nutrition. Metabolism. Management and Environment. Diagnosis and General Prognosis Diagnosis. Prognosis (general). Treatment General considerations. Medical management and supportive care. Left Abomasal Displacement (LDA): Closed Procedures Rolling. Preparation. Procedure. Posttreatment care. Prognosis and complications. Blind Tack/Toggle Pin. Preparation. Procedures. Postoperative care. Prognosis and complications. Left Abomasal Displacement: Open Surgical Procedures Right-Paralumbar Fossa (Flank) Omentopexy. Preparation. Approach. Abomasal repositioning. Omentopexy. Prognosis and complications. Pyloropexy with or without omentopexy. Preparation. Pyloropexy. Pyloropexy with omentopexy. Prognosis and complications. Right-paramedian abomasopexy. Preparation. Procedure. Abomasal repositioning. Abomasopexy. Prognosis and complications. Left-Paralumbar Fossa (Flank) Abomasopexy. Preparation. Approach. Stabilization. Prognosis and complications. Laparoscopic Abomasopexy Laparoscope-Assisted Toggle Pin Procedures Two-Step Technique One-Step Standing Technique One-Step Recumbent Technique Postoperative Care Ventral Laparoscopic Abomasopexy Complications Expected Outcome Recommended Readings Abomasal Displacement (RDA) and Volvulus (RVA) to the Right: General Considerations Definition and Incidence Predisposing Factors Diagnosis Prognosis Treatment General Treatment Considerations Medical Management and Supportive Care Abomasal Displacements to the Right (RDA and RVA): Specific Procedures Right-Flank Omentopexy/Pyloropexy Preparation Procedure Prognosis and Complications Right-Paramedian Abomasopexy Abomasal Displacement to the Right (RDA and RVA): General Postoperative Care General Prognosis and Complications Abomasal Outflow Obstructions without Displacement Mixed Mechanical and Functional Obstructions: Abomasal Impactions Medical Management Surgical Management Surgical Management: Left-Flank Exploratory/Rumenotomy (Step 1) Surgical Management: Abomasotomy (Step 2) Alternative Surgical Management: Right Flank Exploratory Mixed Mechanical and Functional Obstructions: Adhesions Mechanical Obstructions Intraluminal Obstructions Mural Lesions Extraluminal Masses Functional Obstructions Functional Obstructions - Ileus Loss of Abomasal Mucosal Integrity Abomasal Erosions and Ulcers Definition Predisposing Factors Diagnosis and Prognosis. Type 1 Ulcers Type II Ulcers Type III and IV Ulcers Treatment. Type II Ulcers Type III and IV Ulcers Adult Cattle and Feedlot Steers. Prognosis Type II Ulcers Type III Ulcers Type IV Ulcers