1. Housing, Environment and Public Awareness
2. Avian Intelligence, Clinical Behavior and Welfare
3. Nutrition and Nutritional Management
4. Capture and Handling
5. The Clinical Examination
6. Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostic Examination
7. Anesthesia and Analgesia
8. Medical, Nursing and Cosmetic Procedures
9. Trauma-Related Medical Conditions
10. Management-Related Medical Conditions
11. Soft Tissue Surgery
12. Orthopedic Surgery
13. Systemic Diseases
14. Infectious Diseases
15. Reproduction
16. Post-Mortem Examination
17. Forensic Investigations in Avian Medicine
1. Housing, Environment and Public Awareness
2. Avian Intelligence, Clinical Behavior and Welfare
3. Nutrition and Nutritional Management
4. Capture and Handling
5. The Clinical Examination
6. Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostic Examination
7. Anesthesia and Analgesia
8. Medical, Nursing and Cosmetic Procedures
9. Trauma-Related Medical Conditions
10. Management-Related Medical Conditions
11. Soft Tissue Surgery
12. Orthopedic Surgery
13. ...