This paperback publication contains the Proceedings of the Technical Workshop organised and funded by the European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) in Food and Agriculture.
The European Regional Focal Point was set up as a light but permanent structure in 2000, with a view to encouraging greater co-operation among the National Co-ordinators for AnGR in the 37 European States involved. It is part of the global structure of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations and can now claims to be the most active Regional Focal Point for AnGR worldwide. It is funded by donations from at least 10donor Governments within Europe.
One of the Terms of Reference of the ERFP is “to stimulate the funding and organisation of regional projects, workshops and national programmes on AnGR within the European Region”.
The workshop brought together National Coordinators (NC) for the management of AnGR, scientists, NGOs and policy makers and is considered the first step in the development of guidelines for establishment and maintenance of gene banks based on the utilisation of cryo-preserved germplasm of AnGR at risk.
The subject of this particular meeting was “Cryopreservation in Europe” and the organizers have brought together a team of specialists in ex-situ conservation from all over Europe to present their experiences and pool their knowledge. Among the invited speakers there was Harvey Blackburn from the USA to share his American experience in this area. The workshop forms part of a project headed by Sipke Hiemstra, NC of The Netherlands, to develop practical guidelines for countries wishing to develop their gene banks to conserve valuable germplasm from breeds at risk.
This Workshop offered a look at an area of work which is of critical importance for the conservation and sustainable management of the Region’s indigenous animal breeds.
The papers presented in the Workshop were both motivating and informative and will be of benefit in developing national ex-situ conservation plans.
Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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| W-INRA-2003 5911