Chapter 1 - AN INTRODUCTION TO WATER QUALITY 1.1. Characterisation of water bodies 1.2. Definitions related to water quality 1.3. Anthropogenic impacts on water quality 1.4. Pollutant sources and pathways 1.5. Spatial and temporal variations 1.6. Economic development and water quality 1.7. References Chapter 2 - STRATEGIES FOR WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT 2.1. Introduction 2.2. The water quality assessment process 2.3. Typical water quality monitoring programmes 2.4. Design of assessment programmes 2.5. Implementation of water quality assessment programmes 2.6. Data processing 2.7. Data quality control 2.8. Interpretation and dissemination of data 2.9. Recommendations 2.10. References Chapter 3 - SELECTION OF WATER QUALITY VARIABLES 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Hydrological variables 3.3. General variables 3.4. Nutrients 3.5. Organic matter 3.6. Major ions 3.7. Other inorganic variables 3.8. Metals 3.9. Organic contaminants 3.10. Microbiological indicators 3.11. Selection of variables 3.12. References Chapter 4 - THE USE OF PARTICULATE MATERIAL 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Composition of particulate matter 4.3. Transport and deposition 4.4. Environmental control of particulate matter quality 4.5. Sampling of particulate matter 4.6. Analysis of particulate matter 4.7. Development of a programme for assessing particulate matter quality 4.8. Data evaluation 4.9. The use of participate material in water quality assessments: case studies 4.10. Conclusions and future developments 4.11. References Chapter 5 - THE USE OF BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Factors affecting biological systems in the aquatic environment 5.3. Uses and benefits of biological methods 5.4. Ecological methods 5.5. Microbiological methods 5.6. Physiological and biochemical methods 5.7. Methods for assessing toxic pollution in controlled environments 5.8. The use of aquatic organisms in chemical monitoring 5.9. Histological and morphological methods 5.10. Biological sampling strategies and techniques 5.11. Selection of biological methods: case studies 5.12. Conclusions and recommendations 5.13. References Chapter 6 - RIVERS 6.1. Introduction 6.2. Hydrological characteristics 6.3. Chemical characteristics 6.4. Biological characteristics 6.5. Major water quality issues in rivers 6.6. Strategies for water quality assessment in river systems 6.7. Approaches to river monitoring and assessment: case studies 6.8. Summary and conclusions 6.9. References Chapter 7 - LAKES and RESERVOIRS 7.1. Introduction 7.2. Characteristics and typology 7.3. Reservoirs 7.4. Water quality issues 7.5.The application of sediment studies in lakes 7.6. Sampling strategies 7.7. Approaches to lake assessment: case studies 7.8. Summary and conclusions 7.9. References Chapter 8 - GROUNDWATER 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Characteristics of groundwater bodies 8.3. Water-soil-rock interactions 8.4. Groundwater quality issues 8.5. Assessment strategies 8.6. Examples of groundwater assessment 8.7. Conclusions and recommendations 8.8. References Chapter 9 - DATA HANDLING AND PRESENTATION 9.1. Introduction 9.2. Handling, storage and retrieval of water quality data 9.3. Data characteristics 9.4. Basic statistics 9.5. Basic graphical methods 9.6. Data analysis and interpretation methods 9.7. Advanced data analysis and management techniques 9.8. Examples of the application of data analysis and presentation 9.9. References 10. INDEX ----- Gestion des ressources en eau -- Aspect environnemental Gestion des ressources en eau -- Planification Eau -- Qualité -- Gestion Water quality -- Measurement Mesures hydrauliques


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