Regional neuroanatomy Basic systems arrangement of the nervous system Introduction to regions Peripheral nervous system Autonomic nervous system Central nervous system Functional systems: introduction to the neurological examination Neuroanatomy and lesion localisation Neuroembryology Development of the CNS Formation of the neural tube Development of the brain Molecular basis of differentiation Formation of the PNS Malformations of the nervous system Neurohistology, physiology and supporting structures Neurohistology Cells of the nervous system Synapses Neurophysiology Membrane potential of excitable cells Action potential Myelination and nerve conduction Synapses Excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters The generalised neuron Information processing within and between neurons Supporting structures Meninges The ventricular system Cerebreospinal fluid: production and circulation Blood supply Hierarchical organisation in the nervous system Overview of motor and sensory systems Overview of motor (output) systems Overview of sensory (input) systems Worker and management systems The workers and maintenance crew: The reflex arc Junior management: Spinal cord and brainstem Overview of the spinal cord Senior management: Brainstem and motor cortex UMNs and the brain Sensory systems Executive management: Forebrain Reflexes and motor systems General introduction Spinal reflexes Muscle spindles The myotatic reflex Golgi tendon organs and the inverse myotatic reflex ?-? co-activation Muscle tone Posture and the myotatic reflex Reflexes in different parts of the body Somatic motor systems General anatomy and function UMN: Pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems UMN tracts Dysfunction of UMNs and LMNs UMN versus LMN signs Executive motor function Basal nuclei and corpus striatum Ascending somatic sensory tracts and conscious sensory systems Receptors General proprioception Conscious proprioception Subconscious proprioception Conscious and subconscious proprioception in posture and gait Nociception Nociceptive input from body Nociceptive input from head Nociceptive input from the viscera The cerebellum General anatomy Cerebellar peduncles Evolutionary and functional anatomy Species differences Cerebellar development in the neonatal animal Histology of the cerebellum Cerebellar function Cerebellar connections Role of cerebellum in posture, locomotion and movement: Setting the postural platform Cerebellar dysfunction Vestibular system General concepts Structural and functional anatomy Static position, linear acceleration and deceleration of the head Angular acceleration and deceleration of the head Effect of stimulating the vestibular nuclei Relationship between the vestibular apparatus and neck reflexes Clinical dysfunction Location of lesion and clinical signs Paradoxical vestibular disease Posture and movement in quadrupeds Motor function in quadrupeds compared to primates Integration of neural functions for locomotion and movement Complex motor activity Repetitive movements and central pattern generators The final common pathway Lesion location in the hierarchy and its clinical effect on locomotion Orchestration of posture and movement Cranial nerves Functional classification of cranial nerve nuclei Olfaction Vision and CN II functions General anatomy The optic chiasm and decussation Post-chiasmatic visual pathways Eyeball position and movement Oculomotor nucleus (CN III) Trochlear nucleus (CN IV) Abducens nucleus (CN VI) Visual reflexes The pupillary light reflex (PLR) Masticatory muscle function Sensory input from the head Sensory nucleus of CN V Facial expression Audition Auditory reflexes, and the brainstem auditory evoked response Acoustic reflexes Brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER) Balance and the vestibular system Taste and sensory input from the pharynx and viscera Parasympathetic innervation of the eye, head and body Parasympathetic nucleus of the oculomotor nerve Parasympathetic nucleus of the facial nerve Parasympathetic nucleus of the glossopharyngeal nerve Parasympathetic nucleus of the vagus nerve Innervation of the pharynx, larynx and oesophagus Tongue movement Behaviour, emotion and arousal Behaviour and emotion Arousal The autonomic nervous system Subdivisions ANS: Central components and peripheral components Two-neuron system in the periphery Visceral afferent system Sympathetic/thoracolumbar division Parasympathetic system Autonomic innervation of the eye Clinical signs of sympathetic dysfunction Elimination systems Autonomic innervation of the urinary bladder Urinary bladder function Dysfunction of innervation of the urinary bladder Defeacation The neurological examination and lesion localization The neurological examination Observation versus hands-on testing Proprioception and motor function Cranial nerve function Hands-on testing Proprioception and motor function Hopping Paw position response (knuckling) Identifying asymmetry in proprioceptive function Cranial nerves Muscle bulk and tone Spinal nerve reflexes Nociception Spinal hyperpathia Functional road map of the nervous system Anatomical basis of the neurological examination: key points The NeuroMap: Overview of the nervous system Summary of functions in the neuraxis Signs of dysfunction in different regions of the neuraxis The NeuroMap: The spinal cord