Field Manual for Small Animal Medicine offers anyone working in resource-limited environments a practical resource for delivering veterinary care outside the traditional hospital or clinic setting.
Contents : 1 Introduction to Working in the Field / 2 Stray Dog Population Management / 3 Community Engagement and Education / 4 Humane Canine Handling, Capture, and Transportation / 5 Operating a Field Spay/Neuter Clinic / 6 General Anesthesia and Analgesia / 7 Regional Anesthesia and Local Blocks / 8 Nonsurgical Fertility Control / 9 Spay/Neuter Surgical Techniques / 9.1 Orchiectomy and Ovariohysterectomy / 9.2 Ovariohysterectomy – Flank Approach / 10 Ancillary Surgical Procedures / 10.1 Forelimb, Hindlimb, and Digit Amputation / 10.2 Enucleation / 11 Sanitation and Surgical Asepsis / 12 Euthanasia in Veterinary Field Projects /13 Treatment Protocols / 14 Diagnostic Techniques / 14.1 Point-of-Care Testing / 14.2 Cytology / 14.3 Blood Smear Evaluation / 14.4 Neurologic Examination / 16 Wellness and Preventive Care / 17 Prevention Considerations for Common Zoonotic Diseases / 18 Emergency Animal Sheltering / 19 Program Monitoring and Evaluation / 20 Formulary / Index.