Section I: The Bull.
Anatomy & Physiology

1. Anatomy of the reproductive system of the bull – Nabors

2. Endocrine and exocrine function of the testes – Ryan & Hoffmann

3. Spermatogenesis - Waqas

4. Thermoregulation of the testes – Kastelic & Rizzoto

5. Endocrine control of testicular development and initiation of spermatogenesis in bulls – Brito

6. Bull development: Sexual development and puberty in bulls - Brito

Breeding and Health management

7. Evaluation of Breeding Soundness: Comparative review of different standards – Norman

8. Evaluation of Breeding Soundness: The Physical Exam - Thompson & Alexander

9. Evaluation of Breeding Soundness: The Spermiogram - Palmer

10. Ultrasound Examination of the Reproductive Tract – Momont, Keeler & Nicholson

11. Management of Breeding Bull Batteries - King

12. Management of Bulls at AI Studs - Warner

13. Testicular Degeneration - Kastelic

14. Vesicular Adenitis - Thompson

15. Inability to breed due to injury or Abnormality of the External Genitalia of Bulls – Maxwell

16. Management of Lameness in Breeding Bulls - Warner

Reproductive Surgery

17. General& Regional Anesthesia - Sidelinger 

18. Surgery of the Scrotum & Its Contents - King

19. Restorative Surgery of the Prepuce & Penis - Hopper & Wolfe

20. Management of Urolithiasis - Grissett

21. Preparation of Teaser Bulls - Grissett

Section II: The Cow.

Anatomy & Physiology

22. Anatomy of the Reproductive System of the Cow - Nabors

23. Initiation of Puberty in Heifers - Estill

24. Neuroendocrine Control of Estrous & Ovulation - Williams

25. Ovarian follicular and luteal dynamics in cattle - Adams & Singh

26. Maternal recognition & Physiology of Pregnancy – Lemley, Camacho & Vonnahme

27. Fetal programming – Lemley, Littlejohn & Burnett

Breeding and Health Management

28. Biosecurity for Beef & Dairy Herds - Huston

29. Beef Heifer Development – Hindman & Engelken

30. Dairy Heifer Development – R. Stockler

31. Interaction of Nutrition & Reproduction: Beef – Olson, Bailey, Duncan & Swecker

32. Interaction of Nutrition and Reproduction in the Dairy Cow – Cargile & Tracy

33. Cystic Ovarian Follicles – J. Smith

34. Postpartum anestrus and its management in dairy cattle - Ambrose

35. Estrus Detection - Palomares

36. Artificial Insemination - R. Kasimanickam

37. Pharmacological Control of the Estrous Cycle  - R. Kasimanickam

38. Examination for Pregnancy: Rectal Palpation - Christiansen

39. Examination for Pregnancy: Biochemical Tests - Cain

40. Ultrasound Evaluation of the Reproductive Tract - Colloton

41. Beef Herd Health for Optimal Reproduction – Engelken & Dohlman

42. Dairy Herd Health for Optimal Reproduction - Klopfenstein

43. Herd Diagnostic Testing Strategies - Larson

44. Breeding Season Evaluation of Beef Herds - Engelken

45. Dairy Herd Record Analysis - Lynch

46. Marketing the Bovine Reproductive Practice - Myers

Obstetrics and Reproductive Surgery

47. Management of Vaginal, Cervico-Vaginal & Uterine Prolapse - King & Peter   

48. Induction of Parturition & Abortion - Koziol

49. Management to Prevent Dystocia – Boakari & El-Sheikh Ali

50. Dystocia and Accidents of Gestation - Maxwell

51. Obstetrics: Mutation, Forced Extraction, Fetotomy - Walters

52. Obstetrics: Caesarian Section - Mochal-King

53. Retained Fetal Membranes - Peter

54. Postpartum Uterine Infection - Darawhal

55. Surgery to Restore Fertility – Hopper

Pregnancy Wastage

56. Fetal Disease and Abortion: Diagnosis and Causes - Baumgartner

57. Infectious Agents: Campylobacter – Rush & Edmondson

58. Infectious Agents: Trichomonas – Waters & Gard

59. Infectious Agents: Leptospirosis - Jumper

60. Infectious Agents: Brucellosis - Ragan

61. Infectious Agents: Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis - Newcomer

62. Infectious Agents: Bovine Viral Diarrhea - Chamorro & Passler

63. Infectious Agents: Schmallenberg virus – Kauffold, Hoops & Vahlenkamp

64. Infectious Agents: Bovine Epizootic Abortion – Stott, Blanchard & Anderson

65. Infectious Agents: Neospora - Scully

66. Infectious Agents: Mycotic - Austin

67. Compromised Pregnancy Success Caused by Heat Stress - Hansen

68. The Reproductive Tract Microbiome: Implications for fetal & neonatal health – Messman & Lemley

69. Bovine Abortifacient and Teratogenic Toxins - Baughman

70. Heritable Congenital Defects – Whitlock, Beever & Steffen

71. The Abnormal Offspring Syndrome – Rivera, Donnelly, Patel,  Li & Soto-Moreno

Section III: The Neonate

72. Strategies to Decrease Neonatal Calf Loss in the Beef Herds - Smith

73. Management to Decrease Neonatal Calf Loss in the Dairy Herd – R. Stockler

74. Critical care management of the neonate – Chamorro & Passler

75. Colostrum management -  J. Stockler & Chamorro

Section IV: Assisted and Advanced Reproductive Technologies

76. Utilization of genomic testing for the selection of desirable traits in cattle – Upshaw, Butler, Henderson, Shaffer & Rolf

77. Emerging hormonal therapies that potentially enhance fertility parameters in developing bulls - Waqas

78. Cryopreservation of Semen - Sathe

79. Utilization of Sex Selected Semen - R. Kasimanickam 

80. Control of Semen Borne Pathogens - Givens

81. Bovine semen quality control in artificial insemination centers – Vincent, Underwood, Dolbec, Bouchard, Kroetsch & Blondin,

82. Superovulation in Cattle – Jahnke, Youngs, Mapletoft, & Bo

83. Embryo Collection and Transfer – Nola & Looney

84. Selection & Management of the Embryo Recipient Herd – Lamb, Mercadante, Oosthuizen & Fontes

85. Evaluation of In Vivo Derived Bovine Embryos – Jahnke, West & Youngs

86. Control of Embryo Borne Pathogens - Gard

87. Cryopreservation of Bovine Embryos - Jones

88. Managing the “problem donor” – Pohler, Fernández, Poole, Reese & Franco

89. In Vitro Fertilization – Hasler & Barfield

90. Cloning by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer – Edwards, Schrick & Klabnik

91. Application of CRISPR-Cas9 Technology in Bovine Reproduction - V. Kasimanickam
