1. Introduction 2. Neuroanatomy Gross Description and Atlas of Transverse Sections and Magnetic Resonance Images 3. Development of the Nervous System: Malformations 4. Cerebrospinal Fluid and Hydrocephalus 5. Lower Motor Neuron: Spinal Nerve, General Somatic Efferent System 6. Lower Motor Neuron: General Somatic Efferent, Cranial Nerve 7. Lower Motor Neuron: General Visceral Efferent System 8. Upper Motor Neuron 9. General Sensory Systems: General Prioprioception-GP and General Somatic Afferent-GSA 10. Small Animal Spinal Cord Disease 11. Large Animal Spinal Cord Disease 12. Vestibular System: Special Proprioception (SP) 13. Cerebellum 14. Visual System 15. Auditory System: Special Somatic Afferent System 16. Visceral Afferent Systems 17. Nonolfactory Rhinencephalon: Limbic System 18. Seizure Disorders: Narcolepsy 19. Diencephalon 20. Uncontrolled Involuntary Skeletal Muscle Contractions 21. The Neurologic Examination 22. Case Descriptions

Videos Online : The disease portion of each chapter of this textbook is primarily presented in the form of individual patient case examples. Most of these case examples and clinical disorders are illustrated with videos. These online videos are hosted by Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine. They are organized and identified by the chapters in this textbook where each video is described.The videos can be accessed at www.neurovideos.vet.cornell.edu

Companion website : https://expertconsult.inkling.com/read/


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