International Symposium on Equine Venereal Diseases, Held at Lanwades Park, Kennett, Newmarket, 1979 : Development of a complement fixation test and its application to diagnosis of contagious equine metritis. Experimental and field studies on contagious equine metritis. Contagious equine metritis treatment. Contagious metritis in the mare 1977. A search for evidence of spontaneous invasion of the pregnant uterus by CEMO. I. The control of CEM 'carrier' mares. II. Interpretation of serological results. Contagious equine metritis (CEM) in Gt. Britain in 1979. Incidence of certain equine venereal diseases in Ireland for 1978/1979. Endometrial biopsy studies of mares experimentally infected with Haemophilus equigenitalis and Klebsiella aerogenes capsule type 1. Development of a real-time PCR for the molecular diagnosis of equine venereal disease. Contagious equine metritis: an insidious threat to the horse breeding industry in the United States. The role of international transport of equine semen on disease transmission.


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1 W-PS-1979
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