1. BASIC SCIENCES Anatomy Airway physiology Pulmonary circulation Gas exchange Airway defenses Immunology / Inflammation Pulmonary pharmacology and Therapeutics Overview 2. EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES History & Clinical Examination Techniques Endoscopy URT & LRT (BMG) Sample Collection Including Tracheal, BALF, Pleural Aspirates Cytology & Bacteriology of Samples Thoracic Ultrasonography Radiography URT & LRT Pulmonary Scintigraphy Blood Gas Analysis Pulmonary Function Testing Pleuroscopy & Lung Biopsy Post Mortem Examination 3. INFECTIOUS DISEASES Viruses Bacteria Mycoplasmas Fungi Lungworm / Parascaris 4. INFLAMMATORY / IMMUNE MEDIATED DISEASES COPD, SPAOPD IAD Pulmonary Neoplasia Miscellaneous (Inhaled Foreign Bodies, Pulmonary Oedema, Alveolitis and Interstitial Pneumonia, Granulomas, Fibrosis, Smoke Inhalation, Aspiration Pneumonia, Drowning, Silicosis, Eosinophilic Pneumonia 5. FOAL RESPIRATORY DISEASES Examination techniques which differ from adults Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome Bacterial incl R.equi, Pneumocystis Viral Meconium Aspiration Idiopathic tachypnoea Interstitial Pneumonias Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension Intensive management of the foal's respiratory system 6. EIPH 7. DISORDERS OF CHEST WALL, PLEURA, DIAPHRAGM & MEDIASTINUM Pleuropneumonia Other Pleural Effusions Thoracic Wall Injuries & Pneumothorax Diaphragmatic Hernia Mediastinal Abscess / Neoplasia Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter 8. DISEASES OF THE EQUINE UPPER AIRWAYS 9. DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES FOR URT DISEASE Radiology Sinoscopy CT Scintigraphy Treadmill evolution 10. DISORDERS OF THE NOSTRILS Atheromas (Epidermal Inclusion Cyst) Alar Fold Stenosis Nasal Paralysis Nostril Wounds 11. DISORDERS OF THE NASAL PASSAGES Wry Nose Nasal Septum Abnormalities Vasomotor, allergic rhinitis, Rhinitis sicca Alar fold collapse Nasal Mycoses (Aspergillus Phycomycosis, Rhinosporidiosis etc) Nasal Tumours 12. DISORDERS OF THE SINUSES Sinoscopy Primary Empyema Dental Sinusitis Sinus Cysts Neoplasms Mycotic infections Sinus trauma Sinus neoplasia 13. DISORDERS OF THE ETHMOTURBINATES Progressive Ethmoidal Hematoma 14. DISORDERS OF THE GUTTURAL POUCH Anatomy Tympany Guttural Pouch Empyema Guttural Pouch Mycosis Guttural pouch Tumors (inc melanomas) Surgical Approaches Hyovertebrotomy Viborg's Approach Whitehouse Approach Modified Whitehouse Approach 15. DISORDERS OF THE NASOPHARYNX Pharyngeal Lymphoid Hyperplasia or PLH Pharyngeal Cysts Nasopharyngeal Scarring Pharyngeal Paralysis Pharyngeal Neoplasia 16. DISORDERS OF THE SOFT PALATE Cleft Palate Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate (DDSP) 17. DISORDERS OF THE LARYNX Epiglottic Fold (AEF) Entrapment Cricopharyngeal laryngeal dysplasia / Rostral Displacement of the Palatopharyngeal Arch (PPA) Laryngeal Hemiplegia Neuromuscular pedicle grafting Arytenoid Chondropathy Miscellaneous disorders of the larynx webbing, injury, neoplasia 18. URT LASER SURGERY 19. DISORDERS OF THE TRACHEA 20. CRICOTRACHEAL MEMBRANE EVERSION 21. TEMPORARY TRACHEOSTOMY 22. PERMANENT TRACHEOSTOMY 23. TRACHEAL COLLAPSE


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