Immobility in invertebrates : What can we learn ?
Circadian susceptibility to animal hypnosis.
Some phylogenetic comparisons of tonic immobility with special reference to habituation and fear.
Tonic immobility : the role of fear and predation.
The Effects of Stimulus Presentation During Cataleptic, Restrained, and Free-Swimming States on Avoidance Conditioning of Goldfish"(Carassius auratus)".
Response differences in animal hypnosis : a hypothesis.
Induction and duration of tonic immobility
A central cholinergic inhibition system as a basis for tonic immobility in chickens
Animal hypnosis in the rabbit.
Identity of sensory and motor systems that are critical to the immobility reflex (“animal hypnosis”)
Limbic modulation of contact defensive immobility
Tonic immobility and related phenomena : a partially annonated ...
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