1 - Basic Concepts of Bovine Lameness / Paul R. Greenough, A. David Weaver, Donald M. Broom, Richard J. Esslemont, Francisco A. Galindo 3
2 - Examination of the Locomotor System / Christian Stanek 14
3 - Radiology / John W. Pharr, Uri Bargai 24
4 - sthesia and Chemical Restraint / John C. Thurmon, Jeff C. H. Ko 41
5 - Clinical Pharmacology / Ava M. Trent, Kimberly A. Redic-Kill 56
6 - Conformation, Growth, and Heritable Factors 71
Conformation / Paul R. Greenough
Genetics of Conformation / Ben T. McDaniel
Growth / Paul R. Greenough
Congenital Defects of the Musculoskeletal System / Horst W. Leipold
7 - Infectious Diseases of the Digits / Christer Bergsten 89
8 - Interdigital Space and Claw 101
Pododermatitis Circumscripta (Sole Ulcer) / Donald W. Collick
White Line Disease at the Heel / Donald W. Collick
White Line Disease at the Toe (Toe Ulcer) / Paul R. Greenough
Vertical Fissure (Sand Crack) / Paul R. Greenough
Horizontal Grooves and Fissures / Paul R. Greenough
Traumatic Injuries to the Sole / Donald W. Collick
Traumatic Exungulation / Paul R. Greenough
Heel Horn Erosion / Donald W. Collick
Interdigital Hyperplasia / Donald W. Collick
Traumatic Injuries to the Interdigital Space / A. David Weaver
9 Claw Care / Pieter Kloosterman 123
Methyl Methacrylate and Claw Prosthetics / Paul R. Greenough
10 Role of Nutritional Supplements in Bovine Lameness - Review of Nutritional Toxicities / Marion Smart, Nadia F. Cymbaluk 145
11 Joint Conditions / A. David Weaver 162
12 Wounds, Tendons, Muscles, and Neoplasms 181
Wounds / Jeremy Bailey
Tendons and Tendon Sheaths / Christian Stanek
Muscles and Neoplasms / A. David Weaver
13 Diseases of the Nervous System / Laura Smith-Maxie 203
Spastic Paresis (Elso Heel); Downer Cow Syndrome / A. David Weaver
14 Applied Anatomy / Paul R. Greenough 219
The Physis / James G. Ferguson
15 Principles of Bovine Orthopedics / James G. Ferguson 235
16 Surgery of the Distal Limb / James G. Ferguson 248
17 Surgical Conditions of the Proximal Limb / James G. Ferguson 262
18 Laminitis / Peter Ossent, Paul R. Greenough, Jos J. Vermunt 277
Grass Founder / Paul R. Greenough
19 Nutrition, Behavior, and Housing 293
Nutrition / Randy D. Shaver
Behavior / Donald M. Broom, Francisco A. Galindo
Housing Considerations Relevant to Lameness of Dairy Cows / William G. Bickert, Jan Cermak
20 Management and Control of Claw Lameness - An Overview / Jos J. Vermunt, Paul R. Greenough 308
Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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