Contents : 1. The DIGESTIVE SYSTEM - The mouth. - The stomach and small intestine. - The large intestine. - Study questions. - Further reading. 2. UTILIZATION OF THE PRODUCS OF DIETARY ENERGY AND PROTEIN - Carbohydrate, fat and protein as sources of energy, and the hormonal regulation of energy. - Energy metabolism. - Dietary protein. - Protein requirements for maintenance. - Amino acids. - Non-protein nitrogen. - Laminitis and energy intake. - Study questions. - Further reading. 3. THE ROLES OF MAJOR MINERALS ANS TRACE ELEMENTS - Major minerals. - Trace elements. - Study questions. - Further reading. 4. VITAMIN AND WATER REQUIREMENTS - Vitamin requirements. - Water requirements and fluid losses. - Study questions. - Further reading. 5. INGREDIENTS OF HORSE FEEDS - Roughage. - Processed’ feeds. - Functions of hay and use of other bulky feeds. - Compounded nuts. - Coarse mixes. - Cereals. - Other lesser ingredients and by-products. - Fat supplements. - Protein concentrates. - Pre- and pro-biotics. - Dietary vitamin and mineral supplements. - Feed storage. - Natural and contaminant toxicants in feeds. - Feed additives. - Prohibited substances. - Study questions. - Further reading. 6. ESTIMATING NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS - Relationship of capacity for feed to body weight. - Concentrates and roughages. - Feed energy. - Digestible energy, protein and mineral requirements based on NRC (2007) recommendations. - Ration formulation using the DE and NE systems. - Energy and protein requirements based on INRA feed units. - Energy, protein, mineral and micronutrient feed values as determined by the INRA system. - Simple ration formulation. - Feed type, rate of intake, appetite, frequency and processing. - Shelf-life of feeds, feed contaminants and government regulations. - Study questions. - Further reading. 7. FEEDING THE BREEDING MARE, FOAL AND STALLION - The oestrous cycle and fertility. - Gestation. - Parturition. - Lactation. - Weaning procedure. - Feeding the orphan foal. - The stallion. - Study questions. - Further reading. 8. GROWTH - Ideal conformation. - Birth weight and early growth. - Later growth and conformational changes. - Effects of dietary composition. - Developmental orthopaedic disease. - Study questions. - Further reading. 9. FEEDING FOR PERFORMANCE AND THE METABOLISM OF NUTRIENTS DURING EXERCISE - Work and energy expenditure. - Energy substrates and their expenditure. - Training methods. - Muscle energy reserves and feeding before exercise. - The endocrine system. - The vascular and respiratory systems. - Results of exercise. - Blood acid–base balance. - Dietary base excess and ‘fixed’ dietary cation–anion balance. - Dietary protein requirements and exercise. - Feeding methods. - Study questions. - Further reading. 10. GRASSLAND AND PASTURE MANAGEMENT - Grassland types. - Pasture as an exercise area. - Nutritional productivity of pasture. - Nutrients required for pasture growth and development. - Sward height. - Intensity of stocking with horses and ruminants. - Grazing behaviour. - Supplements on pasture. - Safety of grazing areas. - Water supplies. - Silage and haylage and their safety. - Grassland improvement. - Tropical grassland and forages. - Poisonous plants. - Homeopathy. - Study questions. - Further reading. 11. PESTS AND ALIMENTS RELATED TO GRAZING AREA, DIET AND HOUSING - Arthropod parasites. - Worm infestations. - Protozoan parasites. - Ailments related to diet. - Pasture ailments. - Liver disease. - Chronic weight loss. - The mature sick or geriatric horse. - Muscle ailments. - Housing. - Study questions. - Further reading. 12. LABORATORY METHODS FOR ASSESSING NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND SOME DIETARY - Metabolic tests. - Diets for liver disease. - Diets for kidney disease. - Bone metabolism. - Other tests. - Procedures for determining causes of suspected nutritional problems. - Study questions. - Further reading. Appendix A Example Calculation of Dietary Composition Required for a 400 kg Mare in the Fourth Month of Lactation. Appendix B Common Dietary Errors in Studs and Racing Stables. Appendix C Chemical Composition of Feedstuffs Used for Horses. Appendix D Estimates of Base Excess of a Diet and of Blood Plasma. Estimate of BE of a diet from its fixed ion content. Estimate of BE of blood plasma from its bicarbonate concentration. Glossary. References and Further Reading. Conclusion. Index.


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