Part I. Introduction : 1. Why the cat? Part II. From Kitten to Adulthood : 2. Behavioural development in the cat 3. Normal and problematic reproductive behaviour in the domestic cat 4. Communication in the domestic cat : within and between species Part III. Social Life and Ecology : 5. Social organization and behavioural ecology of free-ranging domestic cats 6. Social behaviour of domestic cats in the human home Part IV. Cats and People : 7. Domestication and history of the cat 8. Cultural differences in human-cat relations 9. Human and cat personalities : building the bond from both sides Part V. Cat Breeding and Cat Welfare : 10. Feline welfare issues 11. Breed and gender behaviour differences : relation to the ancient history and origin of the domestic cat 12. Showing cats 13. Individual and environmental effects on health and welfare 14. Feline behavioural problems and solutions Part VI. The Future : 15. Cat population management 16. Postscript : questions and some answers ----- The most commonly kept domestic animal in the developed world, the cat has been a part of human life for thousands of years. Cats have been both worshipped and persecuted over this long period - either loved or hated for their enigmatic self-reliance and the subject of numerous myths and fables. Highlighting startling discoveries made over the last ten years, this new edition features contributions from experts in a wide range of fields, providing authoritative accounts of the behaviour of cats and how they interact with people. Thoroughly revised and updated to include information on the basic features of cat development and social life, the history of their relations with humans, health and welfare problems, and the breeding of cats for sale and for show. It is intended for all those, whether specialist or general reader, who love or are simply intrigued by these fascinating animals. Builds on the success of the second edition, with updates highlighting startling discoveries made over the last ten years. Features contributions from experts in a range of fields, providing insight into the behaviour of cats and how they interact with people. Describes the history of human-cat relations, covering behaviour at home and in the wild and providing a definitive tool for any specialist or general reader who loves or is simply intrigued by these fascinating animals


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