Sect. I - Basic Visual Sciences : . 1. Ocular Embryology and Congenital Malformations / Cynthia S. Cook. p3 . 2. Ophthalmic Anatomy / Don A. Samuelson. p31 . 3. Physiology of the Eye / Glenwood G. Gum, Kirk N. Gelatt, Ron Ofri. p151 . 4. Optics and Physiology of Vision / Ron Ofri. p183 Sect. II - Foundations of Clinical Ophthalmology : . 5. Clinical and Molecular Genetics / Simon Petersen-Jones. p219 . 6. Immune Responses and the Eye / Robert V. English. p239 . 7. Clinical Microbiology / Cecil P. Moore, Mark P. Nasisse. p259 . 8. Clinical Ophthalmic Pharmacology and Therapeutics. p291 . . - Pt. 1. Ocular Drug Delivery / Georg A. Mathis. p291 . . - Pt. 2. Antimicrobials, Anti-Inflammatory Agents, and Antiglaucoma Drugs / Alain Regnier. p297 . . - Pt. 3. Mydriatics/Cycloplegics, Anesthetics, Tear Substitutes and Stimulators, Intraocular Irrigating Fluids, Disinfectants, Viscoelastics, Fibrinolytics Antifibrinolytics, Antifibrotic Agents, Tissue Adhesives, and Anticollagenase Agents / Daniel A. Ward. p336 . 9. Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmic Pathology / Robert L. Peiffer, Jr., Brian P. Wilcock, Richard R. Dubielzig [et al.]. p355 . 10. Ophthalmic Examination and Diagnostic Procedures / D. Todd Strubbe, Kirk N. Gelatt. p427 . 11. Ocular Imaging / Dennis E. Brooks. p467 . 12. Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of Vision / Michael H. Sims. p483 Sect. III - Canine Ophthalmology : . 13. Diseases of the Canine Orbit / Bernhard M. Spiess, Nils Wallin-Hakanson. p511 . 14. Diseases and Surgery of the Canine Eyelids / Peter G. C. Bedford. p535 . 15. Diseases and Surgery of the Canine Nasolacrimal System / Bruce H. Grahn. p569 . 16. Diseases and Surgery of the Lacrimal Secretory System / Cecil P. Moore. p583 . 17. Diseases and Surgery of the Canine Nictitating Membrane / Daniel A. Ward. p609 . 18. Diseases and Surgery of the Canine Conjunctiva / Diane V. H. Hendrix. p619 . 19. Diseases of the Canine Cornea and Sclera / R. David Whitley, Brian C. Gilger. p635 . 20. Surgery of the Cornea and Sclera / Brian C. Gilger, R. David Whitley. p675 . 21. The Canine Glaucomas / Kirk N. Gelatt, Dennis E. Brooks. p701 . 22. Diseases and Surgery of the Canine Anterior Uvea / B. Keith Collins, Cecil P. Moore. p755 . 23. Diseases of the Lens and Cataract Formation / Michael G. Davidson, Susan R. Nelms. p797 . 24. Surgery of the Lens / Mark P. Nasisse, Michael G. Davidson. p827 . 25. Diseases and Surgery of the Canine Vitreous / Michael H. Boeve, Frans C. Stades. p857 . 26. Diseases of the Canine Ocular Fundus / Kristina Narfstrom, Bjorn Ekesten. p869 . 27. Surgery of the Canine Posterior Segment / Patricia J. Smith. p935 . 28. The Canine Optic Nerve / Dennis E. Brooks. p981 Sect. IV - Special Ophthalmology : . 29. Feline Ophthalmology / Mary Belle Glaze, Kirk N. Gelatt. p997 . 30. Equine Ophthalmology / Dennis E. Brooks. p1053 . 31. Food Animal Ophthalmology / Cameron J. G. Whittaker, Kirk N. Gelatt, David A. Wilkie. p1117 . 32. Poultry Ophthalmology / H. L. Shivaprasad. p1177 . 33. Laboratory Animal Ophthalmology / David L. Williams. p1209 . 34. Animals Models for Ophthalmic Diseases in Humans / David L. Williams. p1237 . 35. Exotic Animal Ophthalmology / Thomas J. Kern. p1273 . 36. Comparative Neuro-ophthalmology / Randall H. Scagliotti. p1307 . 37. Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Disease. p1401 . Pt. 1. The Dog / Charles L. Martin. p1401 . Pt. 2. The Cat / Jean Stiles. p1448 . Pt. 3. The Horse / Jean Stiles. p1473 . Pt. 4. Food Animals / Charles L. Martin. p1492


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