1. Endogenous and Exogenous Control of Ovarian Cyclicity / David Noakes.
2. Development of the Conceptus / David Noakes.
3. Pregnancy and its Diagnosis / David Noakes.
4. Abnormal Development of the Conceptus and its Consequences / Susan Long.
6. Parturition and the Care of Parturient Animals / David Noakes.
7. The Puerperium and the Care of the Newborn / David Noakes.
8. General Considerations / David Noakes.
9. The Approach to an Obstetric Case / David Noakes.
10. Maternal Dystocia: Causes and Treatment / David Noakes.
11. Fetal Dystocia: Aetiology and Incidence / David Noakes.
12. Manipulative Delivery per Vaginam: Farm Animals and Horses / David Noakes.
13. Vaginal Manipulations and Delivery in the Bitch and Queen Cat / David Noakes.
14. Dystocia due to Fetomaternal Disproportion: Treatment / David Noakes.
15. Dystocia due to Postural Defects: Treatment / David Noakes.
16. Dystocia due to Defects of Position or Presentation: Treatment / David Noakes.
17. Dystocia due to Twins or Monstrosities / David Noakes.
18. Injuries and Diseases Incidental to Parturition / David Noakes.
19. Postparturient Prolapse of the Uterus / David Noakes.
20. The Caesarean Operation and the Surgical Preparation of Teaser Males / Martin Sheldon.
21. Genital Surgery in the Bitch and Queen Cat / Gary England.
22. Infertility in the Cow: Structural and Functional Abnormalities, Management Deficiencies and Non-specific Infections / Tim Parkinson.
23. Specific Infectious Diseases Causing Infertility in Cattle / Tim Parkinson.
24. Veterinary Control of Herd Fertility / Tim Parkinson, David Noakes.
25. Infertility in the Ewe and Doe (Female Goat) / Keith Smith.
26. Infertility in the Mare / Jonathan Pycock.
27. Infertility in the Sow and Gilt / Christianne Glossop.
28. Infertility in the Bitch and Queen / Gary England.
29. Reproduction in Male Animals / Tim Parkinson.
30. Fertility and Infertility in Male Animals / Tim Parkinson.
31. Artificial Insemination / Tim Parkinson.
32. Reproduction in the Camel / Marzook Al-Eknah.
33. Reproduction in the Buffalo / Nazir Ahmad.
34. Reproduction in Small Mammals.
35. Embryo Transfer in Large Domestic Animals.
App. Hormones' Related Substances and Vaccines used in Reproduction / David Noakes.
Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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