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Small animal neurological emergencies

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Platt, Simon R. ; Garosi, Laurent S.

Manson Publishing Ltd;CRC Press

London;Boca Raton


1 vol. (672 p.)



Urgence ; Neurologie ; Maladie du système nerveux ; Diagnostic ; Imagerie médicale ; Coma ; Ataxie ; Paralysie ; Cécité ; Boiterie ; Traumatisme ; Anesthésie ; Analgésie ; Carnivore ; Chien ; Chat

Localisation : Env Alfort (Bibliothèque)

Type de fond : Fonds contemporain

Part I - ADMISSIONS AND NEUROLOGICAL TESTS 13 Ch. 1 - Examining the neurological emergency 15 Ch. 2 - Respiratory and cardiovascuclar support 35 Ch. 3 - Metabolic evaluation of critically ill neurological patients 61 Ch. 4 - Imaging of neurologcial emergencies 83 Ch. 5 - Cerebrospinal fluid analysis 121 PART II - DECISION MAKING 137 Ch. 6 - Obtundation, stupor and coma 139 Ch. 7 - Seizures 155 Ch. 8 - Exercise-associated weakness and collapse 173 Ch. 9 - Ataxia 193 Ch.10 - Acute paresis and paralysis 205 Ch.11 - Spinal pain 219 Ch.12 - Acute blindness 229 Ch.13 - Acute tremors and involuntary movements 243 Ch.14 - Head tilt and nystagmus 253 Ch.15 - Acute disorders of the head and face 265 Ch.16 - Monoparesis and neurological causes of lameness 299 PART III - SPECIFIC EMERGENCIES 317 Ch.17 - Cerebrovascular accidents 319 Ch.18 - Ischaemic myelopathy 333 Ch.19 - Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the CNS 341 Ch.20 - Head trauma 363 Ch.21 - Spinal trauma 383 Ch.22 - Acute disc disease 399 Ch.23 - Status epilepticus 417 Ch.24 - Myasthenia gravis 433 Ch.25 - Tetanus and botulism 447 Ch.26 - Intracranial neoplasia and secondary pathological effects 461 Ch.27 - Metabolic encephalopathies 479 Ch.28 - Neurological toxicities 499 PART IV - SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT ISSUES Ch.29 - Emergency neuroanesthesia Ch.30 - Analgesia for patients with neurological disease Ch.31 - Fluid therapy Ch.32 - Postoperative supportive care and physical rehabilitation Appendices 1. Emergency drug use 2. Units and reference ranges 3. Blood transfusin monitoring sheet Further reading Index


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1 S-15-04-10
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2 S-15-04-10
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