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Global change: impact, management, risk approach and health measures--the case of Europe.

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Dufour, Barbara ; Moutou, François ; Hattenberger, A.M. ; Rodhain, F.


Unite sous contrat (USC) Ecole nationale veterinaire d'Alfort (ENVA)/Agence nationale de securite sanitaire (Anses) - Epidemiologie des maladies animales infectieuses (EPIMAI), Ecole nationale veterinaire d'Alfort, 7 avenue du General de Gaulle, 94700 Maisons-Alfort Cedex, France.



Volume : 27(2):529-550

Abstract Global changes, including an increase in trade and global warming, which act on the environment, are likely to impact on the evolution of pathogens and hence of diseases. To anticipate the risks created by this new situation, a French group of experts has developed a method for prioritising animal health risks. This is a two-phase method: the first step is to identify the diseases whose incidence or geographical distribution could be affected by the changes taking place, and the second step is to evaluate the risk of each of these diseases. As a result of this process, six priority diseases were selected: bluetongue, Rift Valley fever, West Nile fever, visceral leishmaniasis, leptospirosis and African horse sickness. The main recommendations were: to develop epidemiological surveillance, to increase knowledge of epidemiological cycles, to develop research into these diseases and to pool cross-border efforts to control them.
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