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Examen échographique transcunéen post mortem de l'appareil podotrochléaire équin à l'aide des sondes linéaires et sectorielles.

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Deneuche, Aymeric ; Schneider, N. ; Busoni V. ; De La Rebiere De Pouyade, G. ; Denoix, Jean-Marie ; Weyrauch, K.D.


CIRALE; Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort, Maisons-Alfort, France. .



Url / Doi : http://www.facmv.ulg.ac.be/amv/articles/2008_152_4_05.pdf

Volume : 152(4):246-250

Titre anglais : Post mortem transcuneal ultrasound study of the equine podotrochlear apparatus by linear and sectorial scanheads.

Abstract Ultrasound has become more common in the investigation of the podotrochlear apparatus in the horse and the use of more sensible scanheads improved the quality of the images. This study shows six examples of the ultrasound anatomy of the distal podotrochlear apparatus in the transcuneal view performed with three different scanheads. The presented transcuneal scans of the podotrochlear apparatus of an 18 months old warmblood foal have been established post mortem on isolated feet. Modus of registration was real-timemotion, linear- and sectorscanheads working at 7.5 (linear) and 7.5 (microconvex) and 3.5 (convex) MHz were used. The echoanatomic structures of the soft tissue and bony surfaces in the distal podotrochlear region are compared by six images. The combination of the different scanheads permits an improved complete visualisation in this area. Therefore these ultrasound pictures show that ultrasonography is an useful complementary investigation method that enables to precise the diagnosis.
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