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48th American Association of Zoo Veterinarians. (avec Index des Proceedings de 1968 à 2015)
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American Association Of Zoo Veterinarians

American Association of Zoo Veterinarians;American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians

Conference, hosted by Zoo Atlanta and the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, in 2016 July 15-22



Congrès ; Animal de zoo ; Faune sauvage ; Animal aquatique ; Avifaune ; Carnivore ; Reptile ; Primate ; Ongulé

Welcome to the first ever Joint AAZV / EAZWV / IZW Conference, hosted by Zoo Atlanta and the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Colleagues from American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV), the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV) and the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) have done a fantastic job of putting together a scientific program, which you will find on this platform under the tab, 2016 Schedule and Presentations.


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