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A field guide to common animal poisons

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Murphy, Michael J.

Iowa State University Press

Ames, Iowa (USA)


330 p.



Toxicologie ; Empoisonnement ; Guide pratique ; Toxinologie ; Biotoxine ; Toxine ; Pesticide ; Plante toxique ; Animal domestique ; Équidé ; Bovin ; Ovin ; Porcin ; Volaille ; Chien ; Chat

Localisation : Env Alfort (Bibliothèque)

Type de fond : Fonds contemporain

-I. Prevalence of Animal Exposures to Toxins. -II. Treatment regimens. -III. Toxin Summaries / Adverse Drug Reactions / Neurological System / Gastrointestinal System / Renal System / Hepatic System / Dermal System / Respiratory System / Respiratory System / Cardiovascular System / Hematopoietic System / Hematopoietic System / Musculoskeletal System / Reproductive System. / -IV. Selected Bibliographies. -V. Additional Sources of Information. -VI. Indices to Toxins by / Clinical Sign / Diagnostic test result / Toxin name, system, and LD / -Response form. ----- Supplies a quick reference that: Identifies common toxins harmful to animals. Provides step-by-step instructions for treatment, supplemented by information in easy-to-read tables. Includes listings of Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, AAVLD accredited veterinary diagnostic laboratories, and state poison control centers.


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1 T-05-00-22
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