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Comparative reproductive biology
Schatten, Heide ; Constantinescu, Gheorghe M.
Physiologie de la reproduction ; Appareil génital ; Maîtrise de la reproduction ; Animal transgénique ; Insémination artificielle ; Transplantation embryonnaire ; Cryoconservation ; Gestation ; Diagnostic de gestation ; Équidé ; Carnivore domestique ; Ruminant ; Cheval ; Chien ; Chat ; Bovin ; Ovin ; Caprin ; Porcin
Url / Doi : https://vet-alfort.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://onlinelibr...
Localisation : Wiley-UBCM
Type de fond : Fonds dématérialisé
When considering the physiological systems of the body, the degree of species variation within the reproductive system compared to other systems is remarkable. Furthermore, it is essential that researchers, educators, and students alike remain aware of the fundamental comparative differences in the reproductive biology of domestic species. Written by renowned scientists in their respective fields, Comparative Reproductive Biology is a comprehensive reference on the reproductive systems of domestic species. The book offers both broad and specific knowledge in areas that have advanced the field in recent years, including advances in cell and molecular biology applied to reproduction, transgenic animal production, gender selection, artificial insemination, embryo transfer, cryobiology, animal cloning and many others. This seminal text includes topics in animal reproduction that are usually only found as part of other books in animal science such as anatomy, histology, physiology, radiology, ultrasonogrophy, and others.
Contents : 1. Developmental Anatomy of Reproductive Organs. 2. Anatomy of Reproductive Organs. 3.1. Introduction to Histology, Cellular and Molecular Biology. 3.2. Overview of Male Reproductive Organs. 3.3. Comparative Histology and Subcellular Structures of Mammalian Spermatogenesis and.Spermatozoa. 3.4. Overview of Female Reproductive Organs. 3.5. Fertilization. 4. Comparative Reproductive Physiology of Domestic Animals. 5. Transgenic Animals. 6. Gender Selection in Mammalian Semen and Pre-implantation Embryos. 7. Artificial Insemination. 8. Embryo Transfer and In Vitro Fertilization. 9. The Comparative Cryobiology of Preimplantation Embryos from Domestic Animals. 10. Animal Cloning. 11. Introductory Chapter on Comparative Placentation. 12. Comparative Placentation. 13.1. Pregnancy Diagnosis in the Mare. 13.2. Bovine Pregnancy Diagnosis. 13.3. Pregnancy Diagnosis in Swine. 13.4. Pregnancy Diagnosis in the Ewe. 13.5. Canine and Feline Pregnancy Diagnosis. 14. Ultrasonography in Small Ruminant Reproduction.