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Pathology of pet and aviary birds | 2nd edition

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Schmidt, Robert E. ; Reavill, Drury R. ; Phalen, David N.

Wiley Blackwell





Pathologie ; Histologie ; Examen macroscopique ; Diagnostic différentiel ; Physiopathologie ; Oiseau de cage et de volière ; Volaille ; Pigeon ; Poulet

Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds, Second Edition provides a comprehensive reference to the gross and histologic features of diseases seen in pet and aviary birds, with more than 850 images depicting disease lesions.
• Provides a complete resource for identifying both common and not-so-common diseases in a wide range of avian species
• Includes more than 850 full-color images to show disease lesions
• Offers context for the interpretation of pathologic findings, promoting an understanding of the pathogenesis and epizootiology of disease
• Adds information on pigeons and chickens, pathophysiology, prognosis and trends, and globally relevant diseases
• Aids pathologists, diagnosticians, and avian veterinarians in identifying lesions in pet birds

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