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The veterinary nurse's practical guide to small animal anaesthesia

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Clancy, Niamh

John Wiley & Sons, Inc




U-06-00 [ebook]

Auxiliaire Spécialisé Vétérinaire ; Guide pratique ; Anesthésie ; Pré-anesthésie ; Complication ; Carnivore domestique ; Chien ; Chat

An accessible guide to small animal anaesthesia for the veterinary practiceThe Veterinary Nurse's Practical Guide to Small Animal Anaesthesia meets the need for a single practical guide to veterinary anaesthesia and its potential complications. Written by practicing veterinary nurses, the guide analyzes each stage in turn, beginning with a discussion of pre-assessment and pre-medication of patients. Most critically, it reviews the normal functioning of each physiological system in small animals before detailing common problems caused in these systems by anaesthesia. Developed for the day-to-day needs of veterinary nurses, readers will also find:

Step-by-step guides to addressing specific issues such as GDV, brachycephalic patients, aggressive patients, and more
Detailed guidelines for interpreting common test results and biometrics such as capnography and ECGs
Chapters designed for easy reference in specific emergency situations

The Veterinary Nurse's Practical Guide to Small Animal Anaesthesia is an essential tool for veterinary nurses and veterinary technicians.

Url / Doi : https://vet-alfort.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://onlinelibr...

Localisation : Wiley-UBCM

Type de fond : Fonds dématérialisé

Chapter 1: Pre-anaesthetic Assessment and premedication
Chapter 2: Interpreting blood results
Chapter 3: Cardiovascular physiology
Chapter 4: Respiratory physiology & ventilation
Chapter 5: Blood pressure regulation and monitoring
Chapter 6: Capnography & Spirometry
Chapter 7: Pulse Oximetry
Chapter 8: Practical ECGs
Chapter 9: Fluid Therapy
Chapter 10: Induction Agents
Chapter 11: Inhalant Anaesthetic Agents
Chapter 12: Intubation
Chapter 13: The Anaesthetic Machine and Breathing Systems
Chapter 14: Anaesthesia Recovery
Chapter 15: Pain
Chapter 16: Local Anaesthetic techniques
Chapter 17: Constant rate infusions and calculations
Chapter 18: Case studies

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