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Deux cas de keratite non ulcerative chez le cheval traites par keratectomie et xenogreffe.

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Chahory, Sabine ; Carstanjen, B. ; Vanore, M. ; Payen, Guillaume ; Desbois, Christophe ; Giraudet, Aude ; Clerc, Bernard

Pratique vétérinaire équine

Unité d'ophtalmologie, ENV d'Alfort, 7, av. du Général-de-Gaulle, 94704 Maisons-Alfort Cedex, France.



Volume : 41(162) : 39-43

Titre anglais : Two cases of non-ulcerative keratitis in horses treated by keratectomy and xenograph.

The increase in endurance riding has brought many veterinarians into contact with this equestrian discipline. The prolonged aerobic effort may create hydro-electrolytic disorders potentially leading to metabolic troubles. Therefore, veterinarians present on endurance rides may have to provide emergency care. Most common troubles, usually included in the Exhausted Horse Syndrome, are myopathy, synchronous diaphragmatic flutter, heat stroke and laminitis. The basic treatment refers to their common aetiology and consists in rehydration. Other treatments have to be adapted to physiologic characteristics of endurance horses to prevent the worsening of the situation.
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