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The biology of parasites

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Chapter 1 General Aspects of Parasite Biology 1.1 Introduction to Parasitology and Its Terminology 1.1.1 Parasites 1.1.2 Types of Interactions Between Different Species 1.1.3 Different Forms of Parasitism 1.1.4 Parasites and Hosts 1.1.5 Modes of Transmission Further Reading 1.2 What Is Unique About Parasites? 1.2.1 A Very Peculiar Habitat: The Host 1.2.2 Specific Morphological and Physiological Adaptations 1.2.3 Flexible Strategies of Reproduction Further Reading 1.3 The Impact of Parasites on Host Individuals and Host Populations Further Reading 1.4 Parasite Host Coevolution 1.4.1 Main Features of Coevolution 1.4.2 Role of Alleles in Coevolution 1.4.3 Rareness Is an Advantage 1.4.4 Malaria as an Example of Coevolution Further Reading 1.5 Influence of Parasites on Mate Choice Further Reading 1.6 Immunobiology of Parasites 1.6.1 Defense Mechanisms of Hosts 1.6.2 Immune Evasion 1.6.3 Parasites as Opportunistic Pathogens 1.6.4 Hygiene Hypothesis: Do Parasites Have a Good Side? Further Reading 1.7 How Parasites Alter Their Hosts 1.7.1 Alterations of Host Cells 1.7.2 Intrusion into the Hormonal System of the Host 1.7.3 Changing the Behavior of Hosts Further Reading Chapter 2 Biology of Parasitic Protozoa 2.1 Introduction Further Reading 2.2 Metamonada 2.2.1 Giardia lamblia Further Reading 2.3 Parabasala 2.3.1 Trichomonas vaginalis 2.3.2 Tritrichomonas foetus Further Reading 2.4 Amoebozoa 2.4.1 Entamoeba histolytica 2.4.2 Entamoeba dispar 2.4.3 Other Entamoeba Species 2.4.4 Further Intestinal Amoebae 2.4.5 Acanthamoeba Further Reading 2.5 Euglenozoa 2.5.1 Cell Biology and Genome 2.5.2 Phylogeny 2.5.3 Trypanosoma brucei 2.5.4 Trypanosoma congolense 2.5.5 Trypanosoma vivax 2.5.6 Trypanosoma evansi 2.5.7 Trypanosoma equiperdum 2.5.8 Trypanosoma cruzi 2.5.9 Leishmania 2.5.10 Leishmania tropica 2.5.11 Leishmania donovani 2.5.12 Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania mexicana Further Reading 2.6 Alveolata 2.6.1 Apicomplexa 2.6.2 Coccidea 2.6.3 Haematozoea 2.6.4 Piroplasms 2.6.5 Ciliophora Further Reading Chapter 3 Parasitic Worms 3.1 Platyhelminths 3.1.1 Digenea Further Reading 3.1.2 Cestoda Further Reading 3.2 Acanthocephala Further Reading 3.3 Nematoda 3.3.1 Development 3.3.2 Morphology 3.3.3 Dorylaimea 3.3.4 Chromadorea Further Reading Chapter 4 Arthropods 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 Vector Concepts 4.1.2 Impact of Bloodfeeding Further Reading 4.2 Acari Mites and Ticks 4.2.1 Morphology 4.2.2 Development 4.2.3 Anactinotrichida (= Parasitiformes) 4.2.4 Actinotrichida (= Acariformes) Further Reading 4.3 Crustacea 4.3.1 Argulus foliaceus 4.3.2 Sacculina carcini Further Reading 4.4 Insecta 4.4.1 Phthiraptera Lice 4.4.2 ?Mallophaga Chewing Lice 4.4.3 Anoplura Sucking Lice 4.4.4 Heteroptera True Bugs 4.4.5 Triatominae Kissing Bugs 4.4.6 Cimicidae Bedbugs 4.4.7 Siphonaptera Fleas 4.4.8 Diptera Flies
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