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Atlas of small animal diagnostic imaging
Berry, Clifford R. ; Nelson, Nathan C. ; Winter, Matthew D.
Imagerie médicale ; Interprétation des images ; Diagnostic différentiel ; Atlas radiographique ; Scintigraphie ; Échographie ; Tomodensitométrie ; Imagerie par résonance magnétique ; Carnivore domestique ; Chien ; Chat
Comprehensive and up-to-date resource on the interpretation of diagnostic images in small animals using survey radiographs and other modalities
Atlas of Small Animal Diagnostic Imaging provides a comprehensive, multimodality atlas of small animal diagnostic imaging, with high-quality images depicting radiography, scintigraphy, ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.
Taking a traditional body systems approach, the book offers an image-intensive resource to survey radiographs with some other imaging modalities being used to emphasize interpretation of survey radiographs. The Atlas offers clinically relevant information for small animal practitioners and students.
Each body structure is thoroughly covered and well-illustrated, with discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of each modality in various scenarios.
Edited by three experienced radiographers, The Atlas of Small Animal Diagnostic Imaging contains information on:
Basics of diagnostic imaging, physics of diagnostic imaging, CT and MRI physics, US physics, and nuclear medicine physics
Musculoskeletal normal anatomic variants, developmental orthopedic disease, joint disease, fracture and fracture healing, aggressive bone disease, and head and spine imaging
Thorax anatomy, variants, and interpretation paradigm, extrathoracic structures, pleural space, pulmonary parenchyma, and mediastinum
Abdomen anatomy, variants, and interpretation paradigm, extra-abdominal and body wall, peritoneal and retroperitoneal, liver and biliary, and spleen
With its expansive coverage of the subject and hundreds of high-quality images to aid in efficient and seamless reader comprehension, Atlas of Small Animal Diagnostic Imaging is an invaluable and must-have resource for small animal practitioners, veterinary students, veterinary radiologists, and specialists in a number of areas.
Url / Doi : https://vet-alfort.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://onlinelibr...
Localisation : Wiley-UBCM
Matériel d'accompagnement : Companion website : https://www.wiley.com/go/berry/atlas
Type de fond : Fonds dématérialisé
Section I Introduction and Physics
Section II Musculoskeletal
Section III Thorax
Section IV Abdomen
Appendix I Musculoskeletal Review Paradigm
Appendix II Thoracic Radiology Checklist
Appendix III Abdominal Radiology Checklist
Companion website : https://www.wiley.com/go/berry/atlas