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Veterinary medicine : a textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and horses | 10th edition

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Radostits, Otto M. ; Gay, Clive C. ; Hinchcliff, Kenneth William ; Constable, Peter D.

Saunders Elsevier

Philadelphia;St Louis


1 vol. (2156 p.)



Pathologie ; Maladie des bovins ; Maladie des caprins ; Maladie des ovins ; Maladie des porcs ; Maladie des chevaux ; Bovin ; Ovin ; Caprin ; Porcin ; Cheval

Localisation : Env Alfort (Bibliothèque)

Type de fond : Fonds contemporain

SOMMAIRE : General medicine -- Clinical examination and making a diagnosis -- General systemic states -- Diseases of the newborn -- Practical antimicrobial therapeutics -- Diseases of the alimentary tract -- Diseases of the liver and pancreas -- Diseases of the cardiovascular system -- Diseases of the hemolymphatic and immune systems -- Diseases of the respiratory system -- Diseases of the urinary system -- Diseases of the nervous system -- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system -- Diseases of the skin, conjunctiva and external ear -- Diseases of the mammary gland -- Special medicine -- Diseases associated with bacteria -- Diseases associated with viruses and chlamydia -- Diseases associated with prions -- Diseases associated with rickettsiales -- Diseases associated with algae and fungi -- Diseases associated with protozoa -- Diseases associated with helminth parasites -- Diseases associated with arthropod parasites -- Metabolic diseases -- Diseases associated with nutritional deficiencies -- Diseases associated with physical agents -- Diseases associated with inorganic and farm chemicals -- Diseases associated with toxins in plants, fungi, cyanobacteria, clavibacteria, insects and animals -- Diseases associated with allergy -- Diseases associated with the inheritance of undesirable characteristics -- Specific diseases of uncertain etiology.


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