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Troubles nerveux d'origine métabolique chez le cheval d'endurance.

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Philippart, Marie-Astrid ; Robert, Céline

Pratique vétérinaire équine

Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital, P.O. Box 12070, 2150 Georgetown Road, Lexington, KY 40580, USA. Unité d'Anatomie, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alofrt, 7, Avenue du Général de Gaulle 94704 Maisons-Alfort, France



Volume : 40(159) : 59-68

Titre anglais : Neurological problems of metabolic origin in endurance horses.

In endurance horses, metabolic disorders subsequent to effort are sometimes associated with neurological problems. This article reports a case of a horse that presented initially with a diaphragmatic flutter that subsequently developed amaurosis, agitation, ataxia and loss of consciousness. Common signs that should be systematically checked during metabolic examinations were found on comparison of this case and three other cases seen during high-level races. The possible causes of these problems are reviewed and include hyperthermia, hypocalcaemia, hyperammonaemia, hyponatreamia and hypoglycaemia. Ancillary tests and treatments that should be instigated are also outlined.
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