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Determination of decisional cut-off values for the optimal diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis with a modified IFNy assay (Bovigam®) in a low prevalence area in France.

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Faye, S. ; Moyen, J.L. ; Gares, H. ; Benet, Jean-Jacques ; Garin-Bastuji, B. ; Boschiroli, M.L.


Regional Analysis and Research Laboratory of Dordogne (LDAR24), 161 Av. Churchill, 24660 Coulounieix-Chamiers, France. Bovine Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory, Bacterial Zoonoses Unit, French Food Safety Agency (AFSSA), 23 Av. du Général De Gaulle, 94706 Maisons-Alfortnext term, France. National Veterinary School of previous termAlfortnext term, (previous termENVA), Contagious Diseases Unit, 7 Av. du Général De Gaulle, 94704 Maisons-previous termAlfort, France. ABIES Doctoral School, ED 0435, AgroParisTech, 16 rue Claude Bernard, 75231, Paris Cedex 5, France



Abstract : The Bovigam® gamma interferon (IFNy) assay was used to complement official skin-test screening in a low bovine tuberculosis (bTB) prevalence region in France. The aim of our work was to determine decisional cut-off values for protein purified derivatives (PPD) and ESAT6-CFP10 antigens (R) in order to optimize the efficacy of the modified Bovigam® test, in this low-prevalence area, for optimal classification of infected or non-infected herds following positive skin tests. The sensitivity of the IFNy assay relative to post-mortem bTB-positive animals (Se(r)) was studied in 60 cattle from 20 bTB-infected herds. Its absolute specificity (Sp) was studied in 492 cattle from 25 bTB-free herds from a bTB-free zone. Its operational specificity (relative to the positive skin test) (Sp(r)) was also studied in 547 skin-test positive cattle from 172 bTB-free herds from an infected zone. Using normalized interpretations for individual (PPD or R) results, the cut-off values at 0.02 for PPD and 0.01 for R were obtained with a view to employ them in low prevalence areas with no previously observed non-specific reactions to SITT. Concerning its use after positive skin tests, cut-off values were set at 0.05 for PPD and at 0.03 for R. The choice of an interpretation method considering positive results with PPD and/or R (PPDUR), justified in a high risk context, provided a test Ser of 93% [84-98] and Spr of 71.8% [67.9-75.6]. Analysis of positive results with PPD and R (PPDUR), ideal for low-risk contexts, provided a test Sp(r) of 94.3% [92.0-96.1] and Se(r) of 77% [64-87]. Thus, adapting the criteria to the region's infection status and to the conditions for its application is essential for the appropriate use of the IFNy assay.
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