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Prise en charge des plaies articulaires.

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Lechartier, Antoine ; Mespoulhes-Riviere, C.

Pratique vétérinaire équine

Clinique equine, Ecole nationale veterinaire d'Alfort 7, avenue du General-de-Gaulle, 94704 Maisons-Alfort Cedex, France.



Volume : 43(171) : 7-12

Titre anglais : Management of articular wounds.

Abstract: Articular lesions are important veterinary emergencies and must be treated aggressively to obtain the best results for recovery. This article describes the diagnostic and therapeutic approach recommended in most equine surgery manuals. The extent of the degree of articular contamination can be ascertained by a complete clinical examination associated with radiography, ultrasonography, and articular punction. Depending on the results of these examinations, a lavage and/or debridement of the articulation and the wound can be effected in the field or managed in the operating block, if necessary. The prognosis is adjusted depending on the delay in instigation of procedures and the micro-organisms isolated in the synovial fluid. The rate of survival is about 80% and the rate of return to previous activity about 50%.
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