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Etude comparative de l'innocuite de deux vaccins commerciaux contre la babesiose canine provoquee par Babesia canis.

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Freyburger, Ludovic ; Lemaitre, L. ; Médaille, Christine ; Oberli, F. ; Fanchon, L. ; Bergamo, Pierre


Ecole Nationale Veterinaire d'Alfort, Maisons-Alfort, France.



Volume : 18(4) : 311-318

Titre anglais : Comparative safety study of two commercialised vaccines against canine babesiosis induced by Babesia canis.

Abstract: The safety of two vaccines available on the French market against canine babesiosis - Nobivac Piro (NP) and Pirodog (P) - have been evaluated. Their local, general and biochemical impacts have been compared in a controlled experimental study. Three groups were used: a control group (T) and two groups vaccinated twice at 21 days interval. All dogs presented moderate local reaction. However, either clinical and biological parameters showed that the NP group presented a significantly more intense reaction at the injection site compared to the P group. No statistical difference has been revealed between the groups P and T evolutions.
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