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T.P.23 Quantitative evaluation of locoregional high venous pressure rAAV8-U7- ESE6-ESE8 exon-skipping therapy in the GRMD dog using NMR 1H imaging and 31P spectroscopy.
Thibaud, Jean-Laurent ; Wary, C. ; Moullec, S. ; Azzabou, N. ; Le Guiner, C. ; Garcia, L. ; Montus, M. ; Cherel, Yan ; Fromes, Y. ; Servais, L. ; Roques, S. ; Moullier, P. ; Voit, Thomas ; Carlier, P.G.
1 ENVA, Maisons-Alfort, France. 2 Institute of Myology, Paris, France. 3 Boisbonne Center – ONIRIS, Nantes, France. 4 INSERM UMR649, Nantes, France. 5 UPMC, UMR_S974, Paris, France. 6 Genethon, Evry, France. 7 INRA, UMR703, Nantes, France. 8 INSERM, UMR1089, Nantes, France
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Volume : 22(9-10) : 859