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Short-term effects of maternal feed restriction during pregnancy on goat kid morphology, metabolism, and behavior.

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Laporte-Broux, B. ; Roussel, S. ; Ponter, Andrew ; Perault, Julien ; Chavatte-Palmer, P. ; Duvaux-Ponter, Christine


INRA, UMR 791 Modélisation Systémique Appliquée aux Ruminants, 16 rue Claude Bernard, F-75231 Paris cedex 05, France. berengerelaporte@yahoo.fr



Url / Doi : http://jas.fass.org/content/89/7/2154.full.pdf+html

Volume : 89(7):2154-63.

Abstract : Morphometric, metabolic, and behavioral modifications were studied in goat kids after maternal feed restriction during the last one-third of pregnancy. At birth, only kids from twin and triplet litters were studied [n=40 kids born to control dams (CONT) and n=38 born to restricted dams (REST)] and only males thereafter (n=13 CONT and 15 REST kids) until slaughter at 6 wk of age. Kids born to restricted goats had a smaller abdominal girth at birth (P<0.01) and tended to have a smaller body mass index (P=0.10) and a smaller density index (P=0.09) than kids born to CONT goats. Male REST kids had a lighter birth weight (P=0.03) than male CONT kids, but no differences (all P>0.10) were found for BW and morphometric measurements thereafter. Decreased NEFA concentrations suggested that male REST kids mobilized their body reserves less than CONT kids at birth (P<0.01). No modifications in drinking tests at 3 and 5 wk of age were observed, or in feeding behavior and emotional reactivity at 5 wk of age (all P>0.10). In conclusion, maternal feed restriction in the last one-third of pregnancy resulted in a decrease in birth size, but male kids rapidly caught up, and there were no changes in behavior, morphology, or metabolism during rearing.
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