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Osteopathy and the treatment of horses

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Pusey, Anthony ; Brooks, Julia ; Jenks, Annabel

Wiley Blackwell

Ames (Iowa)


246 p.

978 1 4051 6952 3


Médecine non conventionnelle ; Ostéopathie ; Anatomie ; Équidé ; Cheval

Localisation : Env Alfort (Bibliothèque)

Type de fond : Fonds contemporain

1 Introducing Osteopathy for Horses 2 Horse Anatomy for Osteopaths 3 Neurophysiological Basis of Osteopathic Medicine 4 Making a Start in Animal Practice 5 Case History 6 Static Observation 7 Observation of Active Movements 8 Palpatory Examination of the Unsedated Horse 9 Palpatory Examination of the Sedated Horse 10 Osteopathic Treatment – Overarching Principles 11 Osteopathic Treatment Without Sedation 12 Osteopathic Treatment of the Sedated Horse 13 Examination and Treatment under General Anaesthetic 14 Post-treatment Care and Management 15 Differential Diagnosis Appendix A: Safety Aspects for Treating Horses, Unsedated and Sedated Appendix B: Referral for Osteopathic Treatment (Julia Brooks). Appendix C: Owner Consent Form for Osteopathic and Sedation Procedures Appendix D: Information Sheet, Osteopathy in Practice Appendix E: Case Sheet Appendix F: Case History Questions Appendix G: Static and Active Examination Appendix H: Drugs Used in Treatment with Sedation and Treatment under Anaethetic


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1 T-08-05-28
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