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Case studies in ecohealth

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Cork, Susan C. ; Whiteside, Douglas

5M Books


1 vol. (232 p.)



Environnement et santé publique ; Interaction environnemental ; Étude de cas ; Écologie ; One Health ; Maladie émergente ; Relation homme-animal

Case Studies in Ecohealth: Examining the Interaction between Animals and their Environment is primarily intended to be a student textbook, using a series of case studies to illustrate key concepts applicable to Eco Health, with a focus on taking an interdisciplinary approach to solving complex problems at the interface between animals and their environment. Using case studies, the book will illustrate key concepts in ‘Eco Health' allowing readers to better understand the strengths and challenges of taking an ‘Eco Health' approach ; Within the key themes addressed in the book, the reader will gain insight into how to approach complex problems at the animal-environment interface using a transdisciplinary approach ; Access to the case studies presented in the book, along with supplementary material on line, will provide the reader with good examples of current and emerging issues for discussion in the class room or for field experience programs

Localisation : Env Alfort (Bibliothèque)

Type de fond : Fonds contemporain

  1. Introduction to EcoHealth, One Health and ecosystem health
  2. EcoHealth, conservation medicine, and the role of the modern zoo
  3. Sustaining primate conservation through ecotourism in Uganda
  4. Wood bison management in northern Canada: The importance of considering people in managing wildlife disease
  5. Reptiles as sentinels of ecosystem health: Case example in eastern box turtles
  6. River turtle conservation, Australia: Conservation management planning for a critically endangered species
  7. Ecotoxicology: The burgeoning spectre of pharmaceuticals in the environment
  8. Impacts of land use and climate change on natural populations: The butterfly perspective
  9. The Asian longhorned tick in North America: An interdisciplinary EcoHealth study
  10. Avian influenza and migratory wild birds: An EcoHealth perspective
  11. Elk, forest and fire management: Balancing wildlife and human needs in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada
  12. Challenges and opportunities for yak herders in Bhutan
  13. Human–wildlife conflict: An EcoHealth approach to addressing primate interactions with the public in Asia
  14. Aquaculture and aquatic biosecurity in a changing world: An insight from New Zealand
  15. Aquaculture – the interdependency of food security and the natural environment
  16. Amphibian health as an indicator of wetland health
  17. Marine mammals and plastics in the ocean
  18. Beaver reintroductions in Scotland: Disease risk assessment, welfare and population growth
  19. Ticks and tick-borne diseases in Eastern Bhutan
  20. Citizen science and conserving pollinators in Utah
  21. Participatory research and community engagement in the Arctic
  22. Striving for success with community engagement in African conservation practice and research
  23. Citizen science photography in scientific literature: An efficient tool for assessing EcoHealth


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