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Practical small animal MRI

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Gavin, Patrick R. ; Bagley, Rodney S.

Wiley Blackwell





IRM ; Diagnostic ; Maladie intracranienne ; Moëlle épinière ; Système nerveux périphérique ; Orthopédie ; Cavité abdominale ; Thorax ; Tête ; Cancer ; Carnivore domestique ; Chien ; Chat

Practical Small Animal MRI is the seminal reference for clinicians using Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of veterinary patients. Although MRI is used most frequently in the diagnosis of neurologic disorders, it also has significant application to other body systems. This book covers normal anatomy and specific clinical conditions of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, abdomen, thorax, and head and neck. It also contains several chapters on disease of the brain and spine, including inflammatory, infectious, neoplastic, and vascular diseases, alongside congenital and degenerative disorders

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