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Equine reproductive physiology : breeding and stud management | 4th edition

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Davies Morel, Mina C.G.

Cabi Publishing



434 p.



Physiologie ; Reproduction ; Maîtrise de la reproduction ; Gestation ; Parturition ; Lactation ; Infertilité ; Insémination artificielle ; Transfert embryonnaire ; Équidé ; Cheval ; Jument ; Poulain

Localisation : Env Alfort (Bibliothèque)

Type de fond : Fonds contemporain

- 1: The Reproductive Anatomy of the Mare - 2: The Reproductive Anatomy of the Stallion - 3: Control of Reproduction in the Mare - 4: Control of Reproduction in the Stallion - 5: The Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy in the Mare - 6: Endocrine Control of Pregnancy in the Mare - 7: The Physical Process of Parturition - 8: The Endocrine Control of Parturition - 9: The Anatomy and Physiology of Lactation - 10: Control of Lactation in the Mare - 11: Selection of the Mare and Stallion for Breeding - 12: Preparation of the Mare and Stallion for Covering - 13: Mating Management - 14: Management of the Pregnant Mare - 15: Management of the Mare at Parturition - 16: Management of the Lactating Mare and Young Foal - 17: Weaning and Management of Young Stock - 18: Stallion Management - 19: Infertility - 20: Artificial Insemination - 21: Embryo Transfer and Assisted Reproductive Techniques in the Mare Bibliography Index


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