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Mineral studies with isotopes in domestic animals. Proceedings of a panel on the use of nuclear techniques in studies of mineral metabolism and disease in domestic animals organised by the joint FAO/IAEA division of Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture held in Vienna, 28 September-2 october 1970

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Food and Agricultural Organisation ; Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations

International Atomic Energy Agency;Food and Agriculture Organization



1 vol. 203 p.)


Congrès ; Nutrition

Localisation : Env Alfort (Bibliothèque)

Lieu du congrès : Vienne

Date du congrès : 28 septembre-2 octobre 1970

Type de fond : Fonds contemporain

Panel on the Use of Nuclear Techniques in Studies of Mineral Metabolism and Disease in Domestic Animals


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote / Code barre Localisation Commentaire
1 W-FAO-1970
[non empruntable]
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