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Autres écoles vétérinaires
Notes on canine internal medicine | 4th edition
Black, Victoria L. ; Murphy, Kathryn F. ; Payne, Jessie Rose ; Hall, Edward J.
Médecine interne ; Diagnostic différentiel ; Examen clinique ; Analyse de laboratoire ; Imagerie médicale ; Prise en charge ; Radiographie ; Étiologie ; Carnivore domestique ; Chien
Url / Doi : https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.vet-alfort.idm.oclc.org/doi/...
Localisation : Wiley-UBCM
Type de fond : Fonds dématérialisé
Canine Internal Medicine : A thorough yet concise guide to diagnosing and managing canine medical conditions.
The newly revised Fourth Edition of Notes on Canine Internal Medicine delivers a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis of common and uncommon medical conditions in dogs.
Written to act as a practical and fast-access subject reference for veterinary practitioners and students, Notes on Canine Internal Medicine encourages physicians to take a logical and evidence-based approach to canine medicine. Divided into five sections, the first four are dedicated to clinical presentations, physical and laboratory abnormalities, and – new to this edition – imaging patterns. It concludes with a section on the organ systems of canines, providing a robust summary of how to diagnose and manage common specific conditions of each system. This new edition includes:
Notes on Canine Internal Medicine Fourth Edition is designed to be a useful resource for all veterinary clinicians; as a handy point of reference for veterinary students, recently graduated veterinary surgeons and those returning to work after career breaks, but also for experienced veterinary surgeons dealing with particularly difficult or challenging cases.