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Mapping quantitative trait loci for bovine ovulation rate.

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Kirkpatrick, Bw. ; Byla, Bm. ; Gregory, K.E.





Génétique-022 (P+R)

Phénotype ; Muscle ; Hypertrophie musculaire ; Chromosome ; Gène ; Caractere culard

Url / Doi : http://www.springerlink.com/content/uj8wnkw10g9d67tp/?p=d017...

Localisation : Env Alfort (Bibliothèque)

Collection : Génétique Moléculaire

N° de collection : Session 2008-2009

Type de fond : Fonds contemporain

An elite, three-generation family from the USDA Meat Animal Research Center twinning population was examined for evidence of ovulation rate quantitative trait loci (QTL). This work was both a continuation of previously reported results suggesting evidence for ovulation rate QTL on bovine Chromosome (Chr) 7 and an extension of a genome-wide search for QTL. Additional markers were typed on Chr 7 to facilitate interval mapping and testing of the hypothesis of one versus two QTL on that chromosome. In addition, 14 other informative markers were added to a selective genotyping genome screening of this family, and markers exhibiting nominal significance were used to identify chromosomal regions that were then subjected to more exhaustive analysis. For Chr 7, a total of 12 markers were typed over a region spanning the proximal two-thirds of the chromosome. Results from interval mapping analyses indicated evidence suggestive of the presence of QTL (nominal P < 0.00077) within this region. Subsequent analysis with a model postulating two QTL provided evidence (P < 0.05) for two rather than one QTL on this chromosome. Preliminary analysis with additional markers indicated nominal significance (P < 0.05) for regions of Chrs 5, 10, and 19. Each of these regions was then typed with additional markers for the entire three-generation pedigree. Significant evidence (P < 0.000026) of ovulation rate QTL was found for Chrs 5 and 19, while support on Chr 10 failed to exceed a suggestive linkage threshold (P > 0.00077).


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