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Manual of equine reproduction | 3rd edition

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Localisation : Env Alfort (Bibliothèque)

Type de fond : Fonds contemporain

Contents : 1. Reproductif anatomy of the mare 2. Reproductive physiology of the nonpregnant mare 3. Manipulation of estrus in the mare 4. Breeding soundness examination of the mare 5. Transrectal ultrasonography in broodmare practice 6. Endometritris 7. Pregnancy : physiology and diagnosis 8. Pregnancy loss 9. Management of the pregant mare 10. Dystocia and postparturient disease 11. Routine management of the neonatal foal 12. Semen collection and artificial insemination with fresh semen 13. Examination of the stallion for breeding soundness 14. Semen preservation 15. Surgery of the mare reproductive tract 16. Surgery of the stallion reproductive tract 17. Embryo transfer 18. Evaluation of breeding records 19. Assisted reproductive technology


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