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Mader's Reptile and amphibian medicine and surgery | 3rd edition
Divers, Stephen J. ; Stahl, Scott J.
1510 p.
Médecine ; Chirurgie ; Anesthésie ; Thérapie ; Pathologie ; Diagnostic ; Maladie infectieuse ; Biologie ; Santé publique ; Reptile ; Amphibien ; Lézard ; Serpent ; Tortue ; Chélonien ; Anatomie ; Radiographie ; Nouveaux animaux de compagnie (NAC)
Identifiants à demander à la bibliothèque
Localisation : Env Alfort (Bibliothèque)
Matériel d'accompagnement : Companion website : https://expertconsult.inkling.com/read/divers-maders-reptile-amphibian-medicine-surgery-3e/maders-reptile-and-amphibian/cover
Collection : Elsevier - Digital version included
Type de fond : Fonds contemporain
1/ Practice Management & Development 2/ Biology (Taxonomy, Anatomy, Physiology and Behavior) 3/ Husbandry and Management 4/ Infectious Diseases and Laboratory Sciences 5/ Techniques and Procedures 6/ Anesthesia 7/ Diagnostic Imaging 8/ Endoscopy 9/ Medicine 10/ Surgery 11/ Therapy 12/ Differential Diagnosis by Clinical Signs 13/ Specific Disease / Case Summary 14/ Population and Public Health 15/ Legal Topics
Companion website : https://expertconsult.inkling.com/read/divers-maders-reptile-amphibian-medicine-surgery-3e/maders-reptile-and-amphibian/cover
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