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Autres écoles vétérinaires
Small animal surgical emergencies | 2nd edition
Chirurgie ; Soins intensifs ; Urgence chirurgicale ; Orthopédie ; Fracture ; Tissu mou ; Corps étranger ; Maladie ; Animal de compagnie
Url / Doi : https://vet-alfort.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://onlinelibr...
Localisation : Wiley-UBCM
Type de fond : Fonds dématérialisé
A comprehensive and up-to-date guide in emergency surgical intervention for veterinary professionals
Small Animal Surgical Emergencies, Second Edition continues to be an important resource focusing on surgical emergencies, combining the work of surgical specialists and critical care specialists, and filling a void in educating and informing veterinarians.
The new edition of this book provides updated information on an array of topics such as preoperative stabilization, new and innovative treatment options, and aftercare. Each chapter covers step-by-step information on emergency stabilization, diagnostic approach, operative techniques, postoperative care, common complications encountered in each case, and how to troubleshoot any such complication should they occur. It also offers simplified surgical techniques to ensure success and describes new and novel procedures throughout.
The Second Edition of Small Animal Surgical Emergencies features:
An important tool for small animal general practitioners, veterinary surgeons, critical care specialists, as well as veterinary nurses and operating room technicians, Small Animal Surgical Emergencies, Second Edition is a crucial resource for this constantly evolving branch of veterinary medicine