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Equine joint injection and regional anesthesia

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Moyer, William ; Schumacher, James ; Schumacher, Jim

Academic Veterinary Solutions

Chadds Ford


144 p.


Anesthésie locale ; Articulation ; Analgésie ; Nerf ; Injection ; Technique ; Complication ; Équidé ; Cheval

Localisation : Env Alfort (Bibliothèque)

Type de fond : Fonds contemporain

PART 1 - JOINT INFECTION - Introduction and uses - Preparation of the site - Management of the horse - General technique - Onset of analgesia - Injection strategies - Complications - Distal interphalangeal or coffin joint Dorsal perpendicular approach Dorsal parallel or inclined approach Lateral approach - Navicular bursa Verschooten approach - Proximal interphalangeal joint Dorsal approach Palmar/plantar approach - Metacarpophalangeal / Metatasophalangeal joint Approach to the proximal palmar/plantar pouch Collateral sesamoidean ligament approach Dorsal approach - Digital Sheath pouches Proximal of distal approach Palmar/plantar axial sesamoidean approach - Carpus Dorsal approach Lateral approach - Cubital joint (elbow) Lateral approach Caudal approach - Scapulohumeral joint Craniolateral approach Bicipital bursa Distal approach PART 2 - REGIONAL ANESTHESIA - Introduction and uses - Preparation of the site - Management of the horse - General technique - Forelimb nerve blocks - Hindlimb nerve blocks - Injection strategies - Complications - Forelimb nerve blocks Palmar digital nerve blocks Pastern semi-ring block Abaxial sesamoid nerve block Low palmar nerve block High palmar nerve block Lateral palmar nerve block Median, medial cutaneous antebrachial and ulnar nerves - Hindlimb nerve blocks High plantar nerve block Deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve Tibial and deep and superficial peroneal (fibular) nerves Common peroneal nerve - Head Maxillary nerve Infraorbital nerve Madibular nerve Mental nerve - Eye and surrounding tissues Auriculopalpebral and palpebral nerves Retrobulbar blcok Suprorbital (frontal), lacrimal, infratrochear and zygomaticofacial nerves - Ear and surrounding tissues Great auricular and internal auricular nerves - Other nerve blocks Pudendal nerve Epidural anesthesia - References - About the contributors


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Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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1 C-06-05-08
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