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Autres écoles vétérinaires
Les prothèses de la boîte cranienne chez le chien et le chat : étude bibliographique et rétrospective clinique
École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort
152 p.
Chirurgie ; Neurochirurgie ; Encéphale ; Cerveau ; Crâne ; Prothèse ; Ciment ; Carnivore domestique ; Chien ; Chat
Url / Doi : https://theses.vet-alfort.fr/telecharger.php?id=2000
Localisation : Env Alfort (Bibliothèque)
N° de thèse : 062
Bibliographie : 168
Titre anglais : Cranial vault prosthesis in dogs and cats: bibliographic and retrospective clinic study
Résumé anglais : Intracranial surgery in veterinary medicine is still rare but nevertheless necessary in order to remove brain tumors. Brain protection is then essential since its wide important role in the organism. This can be achieved with the use of a cranial prosthesis. After a reminder of surgical approaches, follow-up after intracranial surgery and a general presentation of cranial vault's prosthesis, a careful focus is made on polymethylmethacrylate, a bone cement used to create cranial implants in small animal. Finally, a retrospective study describes small animals cranioplasty cases operated on between the 1st January 2001 and le 31st June 2016 by the neurosurgery service at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vétérinaire d'Alfort. This study focuses on post-operative complications, esthetics and owner's feeling about the implant. Cranioplasty was satisfactory in most of the fifteen cases thanks to the low complication rate related to the prosthesis itself on the one hand and by the owner's satisfaction about it on the other hand.
Mots-clés anglais : Surgery, Neurosurgery, Brain, Calvaria, Skull, Cranioplasty, Craniectomy, Prosthesis, Cement, Domestic carnivore, Dog, Cat
En ligne : Oui
Directeur de Thèse : Moissonnier, Pierre
Assesseur / Examinateur : Laloy, Eve
Type de fond : Fonds contemporain