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Handbook of animal models of infection : experimental models in antimicrobial chemotherapy

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Localisation : Env Alfort (Bibliothèque)

Type de fond : Fonds contemporain

-I. Introductory background to animal models of infection - -II. Bacterial infection models - -III. Mycotic infection models - -IV. Parasitic infection models - -V. Viral infection models - ----- Incorporates the major advances in the field of animal models of infection, in particular those concerning molecular biological procedures and models that have been developed. This book focuses on both methods and techniques. It helps investigators save time and effort in formulating an approach to test a new potential therapeutic agent. ----- Chimiothérapie -- Guides pratiques et mémentos Infections -- Chimiothérapie -- Modèles animaux -- Guides pratiques et mémentos Maladies infectieuses -- Chimiothérapie -- Modèles animaux -- Guides pratiques et mémentos


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